Ray & Susie Hunter


Ray & Susie Hunter

Asia » China » Guangxi » Xingping October 9th 2018

Hello! Due to a pretty substantial blunder by me, today is our last day in China. Mixed emotions, sad to leave some people we love, but not totally sad about leaving China. It's beautiful and interesting and all, but it's just so hard because I'm useless at learning Mandarin and so it a bit limiting in what you can actually do by yourself. I had thought we had a full day left and we were going to travel home from Yangshuo tomorrow night and then have almost a full day in Shenzhen before we flew home, but our flights are actually tomorrow night. Luckily I realised that last night while we were making plans because originally our tickets out of here weren't going to get back to Shenzhen until a few minutes before our flight starts ... read more
Ivy Dancing in XingPing
Sue and Liam with the RMB20 note & mountains
More Sue and Liam and Mountains and Money

Asia » China » Guangxi » Longji Rice Terraces October 8th 2018

Hello everybody. So after 8 years of wanting to, we finally got to see the Longji Rice Terraces. We had originally planned on visiting in 2011, we even bought tickets, but life took a certain unexpected twist and instead of a holiday we got Liam. Liam's a better option. But, after all that time, today we took the trip out there and it wasn't disappointing. This whole area is so nice. I think everything gets lumped in as being a part of Guilin but Guilin as a city is pretty unremarkable from all accounts I've heard of it, although it seems like it's probably a pretty good base to check out some of the areas around about. We drove past it today on the way out to the terraces, it took about 2 hours each way, ... read more
Lord and Lady Hunter
Steep Stairs
Long Haired Lady

Asia » China » Guangxi » Yangshuo October 7th 2018

Well, this is the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Today we travelled out to Yangshuo, which is about 450k from Shenzhen where we've been staying, or about 2 hours on an awesomely fast train - I think it got up to 320 early in the trip but slowed down to an average of 250 for most of it. We wanted to get the most out of the day so the train we were on was the one that left at 7:20 in the morning, which meant leaving at 6:00, which meant waking at 5:30. Some of our party were less enthusiastic about this than others. But we made it with a mere 10 minute delay. It's all a bit non-eventful. If you're trying to guide yourself around without any mandarin, I don't know how it ... read more
Balcony View
Another Balcony View
Took this on the drive to our accommodation

Asia » China » Guangdong » Shenzhen October 5th 2018

Hey guys, So after Macau and Hong Kong and Immigration, we were pretty wrecked yesterday, so we just stayed in bed till lunchtime, then had lunch, then had dinner, then went back to bed, so that explains the absence of a blog. Today was vaguely more interesting though, although I think we slept for the same amount of time...We were hoping to go to a tea market to check it out today so we were taken to one a couple of blocks from where we are staying, we made it to the second floor, I'm not sure if it went any higher but it's, as you can probably imagine, filled with tea. That's one thing I really love about China, everything is sold in clumps, like when we went to Dafen the other day, all the ... read more
Evil Duck Beers
The Tech Market
Wrist Watch

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island October 3rd 2018

Hello! So today we were super tourists and did touristy things all day. Well, not all day, we didn't wake up till 10 and didn't leave our room till 11 and didn't finish breakfast until 1, because it then became lunch, and then the girls found some shops so that was a couple of hours...but after that, we did all the touristy stuff. In a truncated format. First up we went to the midlevel escalators, I didn't know what they were but I think probably everybody else does. But in case you share my ignorance, it's the biggest set of escalators in the world that join one level of Hong Kong to the next level with a bunch of shops and restaurants. It's cool. It's a lot cooler when the escalator's going the way you want ... read more
Liam and a pretty ice cream
Little street

Asia » Hong Kong » Lantau Island October 2nd 2018

Hello. Today we went to Disneyland! This is important for a number of reasons, which I shall enumerate thusly. It's Disneyland We found our way there alone without Kate and Lloyd It's Disneyland! It was really cool. I thought I would like it, but was mostly doing it for the kids, but then I got on the train with Mickey Mouse windows, and there were bronze statues of Snow White and Donald Duck and Jimmy Cricket behind little perspex screens, and I found myself all giddy with excitement even before we arrived. Navigating the metro system in Hong Kong is, full disclosure, not a difficult thing. It all makes sense, everything is in English, the trains come every couple of minutes, there's not a lot to get wrong. But even so, we made it without error ... read more
The Mickey Train!
Toy Story Land
Toy Story Land

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon October 1st 2018

Hello, We got home really late last night after a LOT of walking, so hopefully my memory isn't too sketchy, I had to put this entry off till this morning. It was our last day in Macau today, so we just took it easy and hung out in the hotel pool after another long breakfast. The hotel is only a few minutes away from one of the ferry ports that links up to Hong Kong and also to the mainland, so we figured it would be just as easy to have a bit of a rest day. It wasn't a rest day in the end, we did heaps, but it was good to have a morning to relax a bit from all the stress of a holiday! Coming in and out of Hong Kong and Macau ... read more
An exceptionally well framed family photo
Ivy on the Hong Kong Metro

Asia » Macau » Coloane Island September 30th 2018

Ola. So we got to see Macau in the light of day today and its pretty darn cool, maybe if we go to China again we should stop at Macau first for a few days as a sort of warm up for China, where everything looks a bit different, but there are a few things that are familiar and the language isn't such a big problem - it might lessen the culture shock a little bit. And it's really nice too. I forgot to mention earlier but a massive typhoon ripped through all the places we're visiting a week ago today, but you would hardly know it except for a few trees that they haven't dug up properly yet. They're amazingly efficient here and in Shenzhen too at cleaning up after the storm. So today after ... read more
Casino Lisboa
Street in Taipa
Liam does not love egg tarts

Asia » Macau » Macau September 29th 2018

Hey there. After a bit of a late start we made it to Macau today. Not without the traditional mistakes and delays, of course, but made it we did. One small complication we've been having is that there's too many of us to go in a taxi these days, so some of the more simple ideas don't work out as simple as we'd imagined. There's no small amount of dissatisfaction with a system when you're dodging motorbikes on a footpath and avoiding open manholes and crossing at zebra crossings that are purely ornamental, to then be told that it's too dangerous to have an extra person in the taxi. We did find a dodgy way of getting to where we wanted to go though, so we piled in the cab and he took us to where ... read more
Macau out or hotel window
Ritzy Casino
Kids + Fountains

Asia » China » Guangdong » Shenzhen September 28th 2018

Hello! We went to an area in Shenzhen called Dafen today - it's a really cool art district with a gazillion (I counted them) galleries for oil painters. It's awesome, basically an art factory - which sounds less romantic than it should - but some of the stuff is really really good. There was enough there to keep us going through the whole afternoon - lots and lots of walking but it was a really nice area. All the streets look the way you imagine they should, crowded and narrow, and even though it's in a grid there are little alleyways that stray off the main roads. There was one alleyway that we walked down that opened up into a bit of a bigger square where some guys had laid out a massive painting - it ... read more
Tiny Gallery
Old building

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