Page 3 of GettingLostInAlleys Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 14th 2014

So I have a bit of an ant problem in my kitchen and it's driving me crazy. I think they're attracted to the heat and the crumbs from my breakfast pastries. I'm also on the hunt for trash bins where I can throw away my garbage in hopes of clearing out the ants as well as deodorant because I ran out and had to make my own this afternoon. All I could find in stores was deodorant in an aerosol spray can and the environmentally conscious Courtney wont allow for it. Besides, it reminds me of my grandma. On a separate note, let me recap the last few days. Yesterday was lovely and turned out to be the perfect beach day. Pablo swung by to pick me up around 1:30 pm and we headed to Nerja, ... read more

Europe » Spain July 12th 2014

I forgot to attach photos of my little place! Don't mind the hanging underwear outside the window. Today was also laundry day :)... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 12th 2014

This entry will be short as I am going to try to get to bed well before 3 am tonight because tomorrow morning I leave for the beach...with Pablo. Keep in mind people that we are only friends but I know a picture is still in order. My dilemma is this: if I take a photo with my camera, I can't upload it to my ipad until I return from my trip. The alternative is to take my iPad to the beach which just sounds like a terrible idea. I will figure something out. In any case, I made it to the Hassam Al Andalus baths and it was breathtaking and relaxing! upon my arrival, I was handed two blue plastic bags and was asked to put them over my shoes and to wait in the ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 11th 2014

This morning I woke up with a sore throat--but it was only my left tonsil that was swollen. I thought gelato for brunch would be just the ticket! I put my new walking shoes on and I was out the door. Oh yeah, about my shoes, I'm now trekking down these cobblestone hills with the utmost confidence! I gave in to buying some comfortable walking sandals despite not wanting to spend a bunch on quality shoes and lets just face it--they're not the cutest. In any case, I purchased my new shoes yesterday after glancing down at my Tom's and seeing that my big toe was starting to peek through. While I was out getting gelato in the center of town, I also decided it would be a good idea to finally pick up a map ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 9th 2014

It's Wednesday evening and I've just returned from a three hour hike around town. The days here are hot and it typically doesn't cool down until about an hour or so before sunset--which is generally between 9 and 9:30 p.m. I won't head out until later this evening for a drink (or two) and a tapa (or two) although Ill head out in a few to buy a loaf of bread to eat with my pimientos asados en almibar (roasted red peppers in syrup) and setas fritas (marinated mushrooms in olive oil & garlic). The Argentinean shop owner down the road is quickly becoming my new best friend. Last night I walked in the door at around 11:50 pm after stumbling upon the Sacramonte, a neighborhood famous for its cave dwellings and flamenco shows. In fact, ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 8th 2014

It's 11:45 and I just stepped in the door. Tonight I ate at my favorite bar/restaurant Torcuato, where the bartender knows me and gives me free refills on my wine and free tapas. I guess it pays to laugh at his jokes! I haven't yet learned his name but the locals call him "calbo" or "baldie." I call him generous with his pours. Tonight I had three glasses of wine (the last one a freebie) and two cups of gazpacho, two fish sticks, and scrambled eggs with shrimp & avocado. The tapas are not necessarily what I'd order for myself--but who's complaining when they were all free?! LIke I said, I just walked through the door and like clockwork, Pablo will soon be shouting "Guapa!" outside my front door. Speaking of which, I've received several requests ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 6th 2014

It seems appropriate that in this juncture of my blog, there be some mention of food. Four days in and nothing...what's happened to me?! My favorite part about Granada thus far is the free tapas most places as long as you order a drink. I'm starting to learn that I can save money on dinner each night by ordering two glasses of wine and typically I'm content with that and my two free tapas. Sometimes I'll order a dessert too--I'm on vacation! Last night with my first glass of wine I was served fried sardines on a bed of shredded cabbage with fried garlic and a cup of gazpacho. The gazpacho was served in a cocktail glass without a spoon and after a few moments of staring at it and simultaneously looking around to see if ... read more
Making due with what you have

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 6th 2014

Another late start and I'm feeling so refreshed! I love that in Spain (many parts of Europe for that matter) people stay out late and consequently, sleep in late. I went to bed around 3 am (because I can) and woke up at 3 pm. Okay...this is not what everyone does but I think my body is still adjusting to the time difference AND I've been using the eye mask I was given on the plane & think I may now be a forever eye mask sleeper! it's 3 pm but in my world of absolute darkness it might as well be 3 am! I also love that I've taken the time to stay in one place for a while before moving on to my next destination--doing a little bit each day so that my must-see ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 4th 2014

July 4, 2014 Last night I finally arrived in Granada around 9 pm with just enough juice on my phone to contact my host who was meeting me to hand over the keys to my apartment. Hatha, a lovely woman with curly hair and a bright smile escorted me up the tight alley to my apartment on Calle Panaderos. It is quaint and charming with tall ceilings and wooden beams. I have a small kitchenette with a dining table and a futon and a cozy room that perfectly accommodates one person. She insisted I contact her if I need anything and she invited me to visit her at her health food shop right up the way. We also made tentative plans to meet for a drink once I'm settled in. As exhausted as I was from ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Málaga July 3rd 2014

July 3, 2014 Today I embark on my two-month journey of adventure and self-discovery. It sounds cliche to commence this way and perhaps it's even more cliche to begin by acknowledging the cliche. In any case, I'm looking to get lost for a bit and to open my eyes and my heart to the world around me. Meanwhile, clearing my mind of unnecessary concerns and filling it with wonderment and gratitude to have been given this amazing opportunity. I begin my story from a turbulent plane that departed from Paris and arrives in Malaga, Spain. This is the second leg of my flight as I initially departed from Los Angeles with a layover in Paris. Sleep-deprived from weeks of insomnia and ripe with the scent of my own sweat, I look forward to the last leg ... read more

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