Page 2 of GettingLostInAlleys Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Morocco August 9th 2014

The last eight days have been an interesting and exciting experience as I visited many places unlike anything I have ever seen before. Morocco is a country grounded in religious practices & rituals and its people have a real love for their country and its history. From its lush green fields to its rich red mountains, kasbah villages, & colorful labyrinth-like medinas, Morocco is truly unique. On July 31st I started my journey in Casablanca, where I visited the Hassan II Mosque. After meeting up there with my travel group,we set out for Meknes where I saw the impressive 18th Century Bab Mansour gate to the Imperial City & saw what was left of the city after the huge earthquake of 1755. We then visited the Mausoleum of Sultan Moulay Ismail & toured the personal stable ... read more
Charming some Snakes
Main mosque in Marrakech

Africa » Morocco » Anti-Atlas August 6th 2014

Greetings my lovely readers! This entry will be short as I haven't been feeling well. I just wanted to send a quick update that I'm alive and considerably well as I've received several emails concerning my whereabouts. About four or five days ago I met up with my travel group in Casablanca and we've been traveling all around Morocco. I got really lucky because they are all lovely people. There's the mother-daughter duo from New Zealand, the father daughter team from Australia, aunt and her niece from the Midwest, Italian woman and her Austrian boyfriend, middle-aged German woman, and then three solo travelers including myself--one guy from Italy and one from Australia. Chris, the Australian dude & I took an instant liking to one another and connected immediately over music, graphic novels, and then he blew ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Grand Casablanca » Casablanca August 1st 2014

Greetings from Casablanca! I can't believe that just yesterday I was in Europe and now I'm in Africa. After a very long and somewhat overwhelming travel day of switching buses (didn't make the direct bus to Malaga), taking a small plane, and guessing which Moroccan cab drivers were legit, I made it here in one piece. Let me new friend Josh told me a horror story right before I left Granada (out of pure concern). He explained that his ex-girlfriend took a taxi in Morocco that drove her to a Moroccan prison in the middle of nowhere--where men were hanging out the tiny windows of a run-down structure screaming & shouting. The cab driver threatened to leave her there if she didn't give him all the money she had on her. Don't worry mom--I made ... read more
Hassan II Mosque (close-up of tower)
Hassan II Mosque

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 30th 2014

One of the most enchanting things about Granada is that it synthesizes so many seemingly conflicting elements. It’s an hour from the bright Mediterranean waters to the south, and the Sierra Nevada to the east. It is a representation of Catholic Spain, dedicating endless landmarks to the kings that expelled both Moors and Jews, but it also represents a revival of the Granada of the past; where many religions and peoples lived in harmony. I've absolutely fallen head over heels for Granada and for my tiny family in el Albayzin. There’s beauty around every corner, be it a pop of bright flowers hanging over a white wall, a wirey-haired dog peeking out a second story window, or an open patio offering a rare glimpse into the private lives of the Andaluz people. The enchanting sights with ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 28th 2014

With three and a half days left in Granada, I'm feeling like I'm not yet ready to move on. I made it to the beach, and to the outerskirts, to el Sacramonte and have become very familiar with el Albayzin. I checked out the Arab baths, the Cathedral & the Basilica, spent countless hours in many of the plazas & made my way to Carmen de Los Maltires, Parque de las Ciencias & Parque Garcia Lorca. But I've just begun forming friendships & I'd love more time here to allow them to develop. Friday night I headed down the road to Pesas, a restaurant I've visited before that's at the end of Plaza Larga. I like to sit outside watching the groups of tourists go by on their segways. I ordered calamares fritos with a side ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 24th 2014

This morning I began reading the 1928 book of poems Romancero Gitano or Gypsy Ballads by Federico Garcia Lorca. My interest was brought on by my visit to el Parque Garcia Lorca on Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately when I arrived, the museum was closed and apparently closes at 1:30 pm everyday! And I walked so far! That said, I spent a good amount of time strolling through the park and admiring the colors & the smell of the expansive and well-kept rose garden. I decided I wanted to learn more about Garcia Lorca and so, I spent some time Tuesday evening digging up more information. I learned that he was a well-known poet, dramatist & theater director From Granada although he had traveled quite a bit. He was executed during the Spanish Civil War and it's speculated ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 20th 2014

Today's entry is meant to be a montage through photos and descriptions of some of my favorite sites thus far and a typical day of both mundane tasks and spontaneous exploration. This morning i woke up a bit late and ate a breakfast pastry from the panaderia a few doors down. I hovered over the sink while I ate my chocolate croissant in an attempt to avoid crumbs falling on the floor and then having to deal with yet another ant resurgence. Speaking of which, I finally have the ant fiasco under control after I mopped the apartment floor with hot water & vinegar. Although I could think of better scents to perfume my apartment with, the vinegar was the only home remedy I had on hand that came recommended in the many blogs I read ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 19th 2014

This trip has really altered my perspective about how people live outside of my narrow scope of the world. Although I've done a great deal of traveling and I've seen a lot of places, I'm enjoying the slow nature that is living in Granada and find myself noticing so many differences & lovely subtleties just in terms of what people do in their day-to-day. I've also been thinking a lot about the expansive time difference between here and home and how people utilize their spare time. That being said, I am afterall in Europe and am in a popular tourist destination. Granada draws people from all over and has largely been influenced by American pop culture as I learned from a discussion I had with Pablo that focused predominantly on Beyoncé, Puff Daddy and R Kelly. ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 16th 2014

For those of you that have been following my blog from the very beginning and who have a solid understanding of the emotional turmoil that fueled this two-month journey of self-discovery, I'd like to share this beautiful email I received from one of my followers: "I've just finished reading all ten of your blogs. It looks like you live in the SF area. If you look at our blogs you will know we lived out there the past 3 years. I wish our paths had crossed. We are now in the DC area. I'm going to tell you more than you want to hear and I hope you don't mind. I foolishly got married at 18 but was smart enough to get divorced at 26. Ok, so I'm a bit slow and should have left much ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada July 16th 2014

Yesterday was a super mellow day yet somehow eventful all the while. I woke up late and decided to walk into town because I really wanted a gyro For lunch. On my way out the door, I reached in the fridge for my water bottle & when I didn't see it, it dawned on me that I must have left it in the freezer. When I reached into the freezer, I noticed that my metal water bottle had completely frozen and was busted open (photo attached). As if that wasn't enough, the ants were back in full force and I spent about 30 minutes hunting down all their entry points. My head itched like crazy the rest of the day. After eating my gyro, buying a huge bottle of water and spending some time journaling in ... read more

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