Emma Karembo Taylor


Emma Karembo Taylor

A 24/7 fundraiser and adventurer from the UK - been out in West Africa organising the Sierra Leone Marathon from February - June 2013 and am now full time Fundraising Manager for Street Child, living in Sierra Leone!
Daughter, Granddaughter, Sister, Auntie, Niece, friend. Loves scuba, hugs, mangos, mojitos and puppies!
Off to inspire the world!!

Africa » Liberia » Monrovia August 4th 2013

‘This iss one off our boys...’ presented John Bull as we climbed down from the motorbike taxi, ‘hee goes bye da nickname Moneh Man’. At which point a small boy crept out from behind John, head down and his bony hand out to greet me with the traditional shake and finger snap. The bustle of West Point market surrounded our short introduction before Money Man (real name Winnie, he later told me) led the way through the crowd to the edge of the swamp where a short plank of wood laid the path around the back of the end building. Once around the corner and my flip-flopped toes were well and truly marinated in swamp juice, we found a couple of corrugated tin shacks providing shelter to a handful of teenagers and guys in their 20s. ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown April 29th 2013

I wish I could pinpoint how Africa captures and fascinates me. Maybe it's because the pace of everyday life is much slower here so you have the time to notice the small things. I've found myself noticing everythingand at the risk of sounding Disney, Africa is beautiful and it inspires me so much. Sure, there are dark histories and current life-threatening circumstances but the people here seem to draw strength from that and they really want to advance and learn. Sierra Leone is different to Kenya but I can't pinpoint that one either. To me this place is like some strange dream alternate reality but to the people who live here, this is their life. And now my life to a certain degree. The only difference is that I have a means of escaping it if ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown March 22nd 2013

Helloooo! I see a pattern forming... I am really busy with work so have less and less time to write blogs, its soooo not my fault and I'm sorry and I'll try harder :-D So about 2 weeks have passed since I actually wrote the last one. Since then I have spent a lot of time in Freetown meeting with sponsors, which is going great and we are now in party-planning mode for the Freetown Launch Party on Good Friday :) We are taking over the roof of a massive house on one of the hills of Freetown so the views are going to be pretty spectacular. Its a blank canvas as well so we can make it whatever we want, which is cool :) The link to the last marathon blog is http://t.co/XGfYfB5qIX We went ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown March 6th 2013

Ok, bear with me while you read this, I wrote the first part last week and thought I'd uploaded it... apparently not! So go back in time and imagine its this time last week.... Nearly Squashed a Biker Yesterday....! Apologies for the delay in getting in touch guys, I'm definitely still alive although I feel a bit dead as I've been running around like a headless chicken! Work has been crazy since my last post, here's what I've been up to... The mining camps tour went well, I've drummed up loads of interest in the marathon and even got lots of teams for the football tournament. After all my hard work, I got told the girls aren't allowed to enter a team because nobody would want to play us. Nice. Plus, its a marathon promotion event ... read more
The Makeni Gang :)
The crew at the clubhouse :)
I'm going to keep getting shots of the random messages painted on the backs of vehicles!

Africa » Sierra Leone » Freetown February 18th 2013

So we were invited to be the guests of honour at a local primary schools league football tournament run by the Craig Bellamy Foundation for a couple of evenings last week. I've attached a photo of my favourite ever football kit including golfing socks, bless him. It was a great few games and we were really impressed by the level of professionalism of the kids. The foundation encourages kids to go to school through football coaching and they can get points in the games and also by attending and doing well in school. If they don't go, they can't play. Its run by an awesome group of local young football coaches who really love teaching the kids to play and become the best the can be in all aspects of their lives. It was lovely to ... read more
professional line up :)
fan club in the stands

Africa February 12th 2013

I saw a monkey travelling on the roof of a car today! And the cutest ickle fluffy puppy yesterday, but I didn't get the rabies jab so I can't play with any of them! Sad times. The work has officially started now after a weekend of fun birthday celebrations for Marie (long-term Street Child volunteer). It meant I got to meet loads of great people, ex-pats, locals and volunteers. VSO work quite a lot in Makeni, which means there are a few new grads and people yet to start uni. I was really surprised how many international people there were in Makeni, its probably the size of Hedge End and I hadn't seen anyone other than the handful of people I'm working with since I've been here. Then at night they all come out of the ... read more
My room from the other way
As you walk into my 'en-suite'!
I have a loo!!

Africa » Sierra Leone February 8th 2013

As first days go, gotta say, that was pretty different. I think the more people tell me how brave they think I am for dropping everything to come out on my own, the more it becomes real and scary. I still feel in a daze about it all and I'm writing this after just 6 hours sleep in 2 days. I am feeling pretty alone. Probably because I am. But the enormity of what I'm doing has just hit me I think. It's all a very surreal experience. Everyone I've met so far have been lovely. I feel awful I can't remember anyones names though! I think I'll play the exhausted card for a few days on that one until I can stop writing them down on my arm. So right now, I am laying on ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Lewisham January 29th 2013

Hi All :) Just a quick note to say - you found me! This is my personal blog for friends and family and all the honest bits that aren't in the professional Street Child blog, which will also be uploaded here... http://www.kilnsierraleonemarathon.com/blog/ Please subscribe to the blog using the link, you won't get spammed, I promise! I'll update things whenever I can as I miss you already :) One week to go and I'll be flying out to Sierra Leone to work my butt off. Wish me luck, adios and will be in touch! Big hugs Em x... read more

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