Blogs from Singapore, Asia - page 3


Asia » Singapore » Changi August 22nd 2023

I have not intentionally "pulled an all-nighter" since my undergraduate days. But I have stayed up all night, both intentionally and not, while traveling. My last one was in Munich, Germany, in November 2022. I purposely went to an early dinner, since I had to leave my hotel by 4am for a 6am flight. My early dinner ended up as a rousing evening in the bar/restaurant with newfound friends, at the Munchner Stubn just down the street. I ended up staying until last call or closing. By the time I got back to my hotel around 2am, I decided to stay awake, pack up, and get ready for my 4am cab to the airport. I was headed to Lisboa, as I recall. I have not been stuck in an airport in a very long time. My ... read more
Stand in line or ??
Good night, John Boy!!!!

Asia » Singapore May 31st 2023

Some of you may be aware that I went to Singapore barely a month ago to help my parents settle in with their new live in caregiver. In mid-May, we were caught by surprise when my father passed away sooner than expected, but we are also relieved because he was spared the worst of his illness. When I received the news, I took the first available flight to Singapore. My first few days were spent with funeral activities. After the funeral, I stayed with my mother and spent time with my family, but I also indulged in some side activities. This blog records some of the more interesting things I did. Please also be aware that FindPenguins will be my primary photo storage now as the app is great for relating photos with timelines and locations. ... read more
Desperately Seeking Great Grandma
Desperately Seeking Great Grandma
Spirit Mediums in the Red Light District

Asia » Singapore » Changi March 28th 2023

We landed in Singapore at breakfast time and eventually got ourselves through immigration and security and all of that, with Shannon keeping a text checkup on our progress. We emerged from the airport just one hour after arrival, and caught a cab to our hotel, which is just down the road from Shannon and Aaron’s apartment. Shannon came down and joined us and we sat and chatted for a couple of hours before taking the time to shower and freshen up. Shannon took us to the area behind the buildings across the road, where we found a food market. We decided on spicy duck with noodles for lunch $3. Then we trundled down to their home with our cabin bags where we chatted some more with Aaron until the children came home from school. We all ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Singapore Harbour March 4th 2023

On our return to Singapore approximately 900 Malaysian/Asian passengers disembark and the same number of mainly Australian and British Embark. Once again the nature of the ship changes. Ian goes of to do a battlefields of Singapore tour, so over to him. ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Boat Quay February 14th 2023

We are moored for two days in Singapore. Here are some facts about Singapore. In addition to its main island, the nation of Singapore includes 63 additional islands, most of which are uninhabited.Singapore is among the 20 smallest countries in the world, with a total land area of only 682.7 square kilometers. The United States is about 15,000 times biggerSingapore is one of only three surviving city-states in the world. The other two are Monaco and the Vatican City. The electronic landing cards (required by anyone going ashore) have been causing much trouble. Largely because people didn’t follow instructions and partially complete them before embarking. The result has been massive queues seeking help. Happily we followed instructions and things went easily. On entering the terminal we were waved through to one of the checking positions quickly ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Singapore Harbour February 14th 2023

It’s day two of our Singapore stay. We walked miles yesterday, 24,000 steps, and I’m still tired. We decide to go back to the Garden On The Bay. We take the Cunard shuttle bus to the Marina Bay hotel. We stroll through the grounds of the gardens. Entry is free and they are lush and verdant, the flowers very colourful. We wander round the Chinese ,Indian, colonial, palm, Malay and many other themed gardens. The lay out is lovely and relaxing. The planting is interspersed with tasteful sculptures which take their theme from the immediately adjacent planting regime or subject of the garden. Although I am not clear what the twenty foot long naked baby hovering a few feet above a grassed area is supposed to mean. Walking towards us are three people with around 10 ... read more

Asia » Singapore » Chinatown January 9th 2023

After breakfast on January 4th we got a Grab to the bus station for our overland journey to Singapore. We travelled through the green lush countryside to the border. The cheap alcohol I bought in Langkawi for my cocktail making was getting more expensive as I had to pay customs duty 😉 We finished the journey in the north of Singapore and got a taxi to our hotel,The Scarlet in Chinatown. Perfectly located with a handy indoor food market near the end of the road as well as Maxwell MRT station.Chinese New Year is celebrated on January 22nd this year so the shops are busy and the streets are being decorated in preparation for the year of the rabbit. We were given a corner room which didn’t have windows as the street is on a hill ... read more
Comfy bus
Christmas decorations on the hotel arches

Asia » Singapore December 30th 2022

It seems a shame that Singapore is generally just utilised as an airport stopover, sometimes nipping into the city for a day or two, because there’s actually quite a lot to do. I first went there 20 years ago on a year-long round-the-world backpacker trip, passing through twice during 4.5 months in Southeast Asia. I remember Singapore as being the most expensive place we had thus far reached, with one of the worst hostels; you passed through an Indian restaurant kitchen and went upstairs into permanently dripping wet (you couldn’t keep anything on the floor) multi-bunk-bedded dormitories. But I do remember liking it (the city/country, not the hostel), especially the way it was lit up at night when the temperature dropped a degree. That trip was pre-travelblogging days but I returned at the end of 2019, ... read more
Monitor lizard at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Orchids in the Botanical Garden
Giant mudskipper at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Asia » Singapore » Orchard Road November 4th 2022

Bonjour à tous, J'espère que vous avez bien respecté, cette loi sexuelle singapourienne, que je vous ai dévoilée hier. Si non châtiment corporel, c'est la loi. Exactement comme l'importation de chewing gum, un américain prit en flagrant délit a eu droit à une bastonnade. Ne pas tirer la chasse dans les toilettes publiques même punition. Singapour est un état hyper réglementé, où les mouvements de chaque personne sont observés et dictés par le gouvernement. Si je devais rester 1 mois ici, à mon retour j'aurais probablement les félicitations de ma toubib, pour la perte de poids. Le soir c'est galère pour trouver à diner. Hier au soir je me suis pas mal écarté du quartier, pour enfin trouver ce qui ressemblait assez bien à ce qu'on appelle un "restaurant", avec des assiettes, et non pas dans ... read more
Garden Bay
Quartier malais
Garden Bay

Asia » Singapore » Orchard Road November 2nd 2022

Bonjour à tous, Aujourd'hui superbe journée de découverte. Même timing qu'hier 9H dans les rues. Pas de perte de temps au petit dej de l'hôtel, c'est mode régime, une mini omelette, 2 mini saucisses, et 2 mini croissants. Il fait toujours aussi lourd à 9H 28°, différence avec hier, à 13H prévu 36°. Une petite pluie, en matinée, de 10 minutes a bien réactivée le taux d'humidité. UN petit mot quand même sur Singapour. En préparant ce voyage je me suis principalement concentré sur ce le côté touristique de Singapour, mais cette ville mérite plus. C'est une cité état de 724 km2, population de 6.2 millions d'habitants. Sa densité de population est la 2ème au monde derrière Monaco, son surnom la cité jardin, cette verdure découle en partie de son climat équatorial. Population majoritairement chinoise 75%. ... read more
Marina Bay

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