Blogs from Brunei, Asia


Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan May 29th 2024

Peacefulness is the operative word in Brunei Darussalam, a.k.a., Abode of Peace translated from the local Melayu language. Tuesday, my first day here after an interminable trip from Seattle via LAX and an unplanned layover in sweltering Singapore, was extremely hot and humid making anything beyond a languid pace impossible. It cooled off considerably after biblical afternoon rain. Culturally similar to Malaysia, a mix of Malay, South Asian, and Chinese, except that religious law is more striclty enforced meaning... NO BEER! Actually, visitors can bring in declared, limited amounts which I learned on the flight. I just managed with coffee, tea and fresh squeezed fruit juices. While walking around the wharf my first day, I was approached by Saleh who had a water taxi and tried to talk me into the mangrove tour, just over an ... read more
Proboscis Monkey
Probosic Monkey
Proboscis Monkey

Asia » Brunei November 4th 2018

Da es ziemlich einfach ist, nach Brunei zu reisen, hab ich mich spontan dazu entschieden, mit der Fähre von Malaysia (Kota Kinabalu) nach Brunei zu fahren. Ganz ehrlich… ich hatte vorher keine Ahnung, wo Brunei liegt oder wusste überhaupt etwas über das kleine Land. Aber das machte es ja so spannend. Brunei zählt zu den reichsten Ländern der Welt, auch wenn man davon nur bedingt etwas merkt, da das meiste Vermögen einer Person, nämlich dem Sultan gehört. Aber der Unterschied zu Malaysia ist doch sichtbar. Brunei ist ein kleiner wohlhabender und weit entwickelter Staat, bestehend aus 2 voneinander getrennten Landesteilen. Hier sind die reichsten Ölvorkommen in Südostasien zu finden. Durch das Öl wurden auch keine Regenwaldflächen für Palmenplantagen zur Palmölgewinnung genutzt. Die Natur ist hier also noch größtenteils unberührt und intakt. Und der Liter Diesel kostet ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 18th 2018

BEAUTIFUL, HOT BRUNEI Will I ever feel strong and capable again? Brunei was a bad dream. It is a beautiful country but I caught a bug and I am still under the weather. I will have to return another time to see its splendor. I think I read that the King's Palace is the most expensive in the world but it is only open to the public three days a year. In fact, it is so secluded only the roof is visible. In order to catch a glimpse of it you must take a water taxi. I was feeling good when I arrived in the airport at Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. I had a hotel already booked, The Jubilee, some plans for sightseeing and diving, and the hotel had free shuttle service. I checked at the ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan June 10th 2018

V tejto krajine som pobudol len dve noci a aj to len v hlavnom meste tak sa mi to tazko hodnoti. Ale aspon som si odskrtol dalsiu krajinu zo zoznamu. Ludia tu boli dost priatelsky, jedlo ok aj cenovo, len problem ho bolo jest vonku, bo bol prave ramadan. Cakal som vsak lepsi stav ciest a luxusne mhd busy, co sa nenaplnilo. BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN V tomto meste by som si vedel predstavit este jednu noc a dat si mensiu turu na blizky kopec. Mesto je v pohode zdolatelne pesi. Mesita pekna, obydlia na rieke tiez fajn ale inak nic zaujimave. Ludi v meste minimum. Mozno kvoli ramadanu Ubytko Joy rest house - singel, ac, share sprcha, ranajky. Lobby fajn, len moc vyklimovane, wifi fungovala iba v lobby, majitelia v pohode. Ranajky slabucke, izba by bola ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan May 25th 2018

Rano nabieham na ranajky. Plnena buchta, sendivce, cokonatierka cierny sendvic + caj. Po jedle nahadzovanie dalsich cs ziadosti do taipei. Zatal mi odpovedaju zaporne ale vraj stretko moze byt. Fakt som zvedavy kolko ich realne aj pride. Ked to bude take ako v cinskom sne, tak dakujem pekne. V kk mam jednu cs ale budem jej pomahat so stahovanim. Som pytal jej adresu, ze kam mam prist. Odpoved ma prekvapila, nevie adresu, mam sa ozvat ked dorazim. Som zvedavy ako ked nemam net. Asi sa na to vyserem, uvidim po prichode. Do kk skusim kombi lod-lod-bus. Len nevim o kolkej ide lod z labuan do menumbog a co som kukal bus na nete, ten je vypredany (to nemusi byt ovsem pravda). Priamy bus z brunea je najdrahsi (45bd) a ide cez kopu hranicnych prechodov. Este sa ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan May 24th 2018

Ubytko opustam okolo 7.30, na recepcii este nikto, klucik nechavam na stole. Nevim z coho ale mam sracku, zeby si telo odvyklo od alkoholu? Vonku na chodniku rozlozeny predavaci roznych starych veci. Moj roti clovek na parkovisku este nefungoval tak zapadam k indom na vajcove roti. Po jedle na bus stanicu puduray central. Ta sa oproti minulajsku pouziva skoro len na odchody busov na lestiko. Prve podlazie je plne prazdnych obchodikov. V prizemi su opustene nastupiska. Mne to ide z nastupista cislo 4. Okolo 8.35 smer letisko. Cestou zaujali kostoliky medzi vyskovymi budovami. Premavka v pohode, cca za hodinu vystupujem na druhej zastavke klia. Hej leti mi to z klia2 ale spravil som osudovu chybu. Pytal som sa cestujuceho ci prva zastavka je klia 2 international, on, ze nie a kam letim. Brunei, on tiez. Len ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan May 1st 2018

Tuesday 1st May 2018 Brunei is very green and clean and everywhere there are notices telling people to keep Brunei green and clean. The word “Darussalam” in Arabic means “abode of peace” and it is indeed a peaceful place. There is no litter, no graffiti, no smoking in public and of course no alcohol at all. By 10 p.m. the roads are quiet, and the streets are empty, even in the very centre of the city, Bandar Seri Begawan, where we are staying. They aren’t party people here! As well as the beautifully kept public gardens and immaculately clean streets in the city, most of the land is still covered by untouched rainforest. There are no palm plantations here. Thanks to the wealth generated by the off-shore oil fields, there has never been any need to ... read more
Walkway over the Mosque lagoon
A replica of the Royal Barge in marble and stone
View from our window: Sungai Kianggeh

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan March 28th 2018

The large island of Borneo is home to two very diverse countries. While Brunei is one of the wealthiest in the world and one of the most religiously conservative, Sabah as part of the Federation of Malaysia, is a secular country with a much lower GNP than its rich neighbor. The Sultan of Brunei rules his tiny kingdom quite strictly and has recently enacted Sharia Law. Elaborate mosques and glistening palaces abound and the roads and other infrastructure are first rate. We arrived at the port of Maura and took the shuttle into Bandar Seri Begawan the main city of Brunei. We always like to hire a boat and tour the stilt villages that line the river. Suzanne, Rose Anne and Bernadette joined us on the boat ride. The stilt life is one that we totally ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan September 29th 2017

I arrived in Bandar Seri Bagwan the capital city of the Sultanate of Brunei Darusalam a little after 5pm after a very comfortable eight hour fight, Royal Brunei airlines are very generous with leg room and the flight was only about half full which left meant I had an empty seat next to me. After a minor mix up with my visa I was through customs and boarding a van to the hotel, it was so nice to have free airport pick up and have them actually turn up. The journey to the hotel did not take long the city is compact so I was soon settling into my very comfortable room which has all the modern conveniences, I had asked reception to try and get me on a trip out to Temburong National Park for ... read more
Crossing the Sungai Brunei
From the river
A small stilt village

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan September 18th 2017

The plane to Brunie from Manila was not even half full. Just goes to show how few Filipinos go there. We arrived late at night and were hoping to be able to walk to our hotel. The immigration officer asked for return tickets which I didn’t have since we were taking the ferry to Malaysia with no prior reservation. I showed him my ticket for Manila from Kota Kinabalu and I was relieved that that was enough. We walked out of the airport only to go back after aimlessly wandering because there was no walkway for pedestrians. We had no choice but to take the expensive taxi. We paid about $16 for a ten minute ride. Strange that we didn’t find any ATM there. Good thing we brought US dollars. Our room was too expensive for ... read more
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque
Kampong Ayer
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque

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