Laguna 69 - Huaraz Peru

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South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca
June 30th 2011
Published: July 1st 2011
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From the busFrom the busFrom the bus

this is a view from the bus early in the morning on the way down. just getting light
Today was one of the best day hikes ever. Changed to do Laguna 69 as there were some hikers headed there. You have to travel 3 hours by transport first and then are dropped off at about 10,000 feet. You have to hike it from there about 6-7 miles one way but the reward is incredible. This is a clear blue green lake nestled at about 15,000 feet +. There are a few (very few) level places on the trail and the rest is zigzagging up some steep terrain. It takes about 4 hours up, two back and then the return ride which of course does not leave when you get there. Finally back in Huaraz and beat. Will post more tomorrow as I am doing a short trek just to keep working towards climatization. Today was a good step with no problems outside of some shortness of breath.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Another shot from the busAnother shot from the bus
Another shot from the bus

Getting closer to the park entrance
Starting PointStarting Point
Starting Point

This is the road/path that you start from
Starting Point ViewStarting Point View
Starting Point View

This is what you see from the bottom. The lake is at the base of the glacier you see to the left
Arrival RoadArrival Road
Arrival Road

This is the road to the starting point

These falls are visible as you start to ascend
Falls - 1Falls - 1
Falls - 1

Different view of the falls as you climb
Inca WallsInca Walls
Inca Walls

These ruins were along the trail we used
Native FlowerNative Flower
Native Flower

This grows in the parama and is native to Peru. I have to get more information
Laguna 69Laguna 69
Laguna 69

The pictures do not do it justice.
Laguna 69 - 1Laguna 69 - 1
Laguna 69 - 1

Another shot of the lake trying to capture the reflections
Laguna 69 - 2Laguna 69 - 2
Laguna 69 - 2

Yet another shot of the lake
Laguna 69 - 3Laguna 69 - 3
Laguna 69 - 3

Another lake shot - after several hours of climbing you can't have too many

While at the lake you are so high it looks as if you could touch these clouds as they pass the two mountains you are in between
Fellow HikersFellow Hikers
Fellow Hikers

This was the guide and the German couple I trekked with (Oliver and Ziggy)
Pete better be readyPete better be ready
Pete better be ready

I need a haircut and shave

1st July 2011
Pete better be ready

a little grizzled
1st July 2011
More Clouds

Did you
fall down?
9th August 2011
Just to prove I did it

You are too much! I'm glad to see you enjoying your vacation. Awesome pics too! Stay safe on your travels ;)

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