Falkland Islands

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South America » Falkland Islands
February 23rd 2017
Published: June 23rd 2017
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Falkland Islands Falkland Islands Falkland Islands

View from ship toward poet Stanley
Geo: -51.7963, -59.5236

Well are three miles from Stanley port in the Falkland Islands anchored in the bay. It is windy and cold. But we are here. Apparently only about 50% of the cruises actually get to anchor here because of the weather. This is a British colony even though Argentina claims it as well because of its closeness them. As recent as 1982 there was war over this.

We had an excursion to see penguins today but after talking to crew I decided for safety issues I would not go. So Dave is off to explore on his own. It is a 30 minute tender ride just to get to port. It is very windy and cold. We have sea day tomorrow and back to warmer weather. Supposed to change from forties today to the 70's tomorrow. Yeah. We will finally get to sit out on the balcony.

The actual weather was much better than expected. It became sunny with the temperature in the low 50s. The wind also dropped off making it a very good day by Falkland standards. Dave walked much of the town talking pictures and buying a couple of souvenirs. The little houses were mostly well maintained
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands Falkland Islands

View from our balcony. Pretty barren land.
with little gardens in front or the downhill side. Many of the roofs were painted bright colors giving the town a special appearance. When a cruise ship of our size comes every one takes off from their regular job to help out. The Crown Princess has more passengers than Stanley has people. The tender ride back was pleasant and relatively quick say 17 minutes with dolphins being spotted several times. Dave rode on top of the tender taking pictures of everything and nothing. Janice spent a lot of time on the balcony getting some sun and reading.

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