INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN ART...songlines of country

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kimberley
February 11th 2024
Published: February 11th 2024
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I am not indigenous by blood, yet I am Aussie through and through. How is it that indigenous art from a culture that has inhabited our sunburnt country for 40,000 to 60,000 years fascinates and grabs my soul so profoundly? I look into the Shailyn Peris Bungle Bungles "Purnululu" hanging above my screen monitor and drift into its allure...into ancient country that I have trekked in the physical a... Read Full Entry

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11th February 2024

Our original inhabitants & Sharing Songlines
What a privilege it is to be living in this beautiful country amongst our original inhabitants; we should be so lucky!
11th February 2024

Our original inhabitants & Sharing Songlines
Thank you for commenting, Michelle and great to hear from you again. You express it so well. What a privilege indeed!
11th February 2024

They are simply fascinating! Although I am not an artist myself, one can appreciate beauty. And I love them. I bought some indigenous art from Perth many years ago. I put them inside frames and they are shining my walls at home ever since. Thank you for sharing this, Dave!
11th February 2024

Thanks Tab. I hope your indigenous Australian art warms you up from your Calgary chill. Glad you appreciate the artwork...fascinating indeed!
12th February 2024
'Mimi Spirits' by Eddie Blitner

The Beauty Within
Striking art work. It is soulful.
12th February 2024
'Mimi Spirits' by Eddie Blitner

The Beauty Within
Thanks MJ. This 'Mimi Spirits' painting gives me a thrill every morning and evening as it hangs above my bed. Blesses my soul. Enjoy your next trip!!!
18th February 2024

Art in Wiluna
On my camping trip back in 2018 , we gatecrashed the opening of a local art gallery in Wiluna .... loved it. Back here in UK we attend arts society meetings and coming up soon it’s Australian Art .... that’ll have to do until I can get back Australia again.
20th February 2024

Art in Wiluna
Thank you for emailing the UK Arts Society article on Australian Aboriginal Art by Rebecca Hossack to me, Lynne. It is always interesting to see overseas expert perspectives. While Wiluna grabbed your attention in Oz, I hope the UK exhibitions you attend take it to another level.
18th February 2024

Beautiful pieces of indigenous Australian art
Thanks for sharing some background on "dreamtime". I wish we living in the so-called developed world hadn't lost the connection to what is beyond words or logic, to the mythical. Always good to get some inspiration here. And the pieces of art on your pictures are simply beautiful.
20th February 2024

Beautiful pieces of indigenous Australian art
Thank you for your well-penned comment, Katha. The Dreamtime may be 'beyond words or logic, to the mythical', but I reject that as a white man I have no right to seek to enter in. Glad you appreciated the art in my pics. The diversity of styles that are developing have so much meaning to the artists, that it is my privilege to own some and share.
24th February 2024

I wanted to buy indigenous art
I wanted to buy indigenous art when I was in Australia but eventually didn't. I loved it but I also knew that it would look out of place in my home. I have very few travel memorabilia from my travels and I rarely buy anything today. When I see it in the store I love it and want to buy it. But I know that there is no place in my home for more stuff so I don't. /Ake
25th February 2024

I wanted to buy indigenous art
I know that there is no place in my home for more stuff, so I do anyway, Ake!!! There are a few pieces in my travels that I passed up and cannot rectify my regret. Always a challenge where to put or what to do with treasures picked up on my travels...but I like challenges and the more to choose from, the more I appreciate the ones that rise to the top!!!
10th March 2024

Thanks for your introduction to your latest obsession!
We recall see your previous obsessions on display in your home...the rugs and your own wood carvings. I also agree that if you are going to spend a lot of money, it is good to get good advice. When I visited the Tibetan ethnographic area of Gansu province, I was very tempted to buy Tibetan jade objects, but declined as I could not verify that they were truly jade. Linda and I share a similar obsession as yours with the Southwestern native Americans, mostly collecting pottery and rugs...and books by James Doss and the Hillermans that highlight their beliefs such as dream catchers and shape shifters.
5th April 2024

Thanks for your introduction to your latest obsession!
Yet again I run out of wall space, Bob. I have just picked up Tommy Crow's "Sunset Dreaming" from the framer's (My opening Panorama pic) and how can I display its magnificence? Love the beliefs of the USA SW Native Americans of dream catchers and shape shifters. Gives the Navajo jewellery Denise purchased in Arizona in a polar vortex near Monument Valley as an even greater allure. May you fill your home with memories of your extensive travels as memories are the greatest treasure. Thanks for sharing.
16th March 2024

The Norval Gallery
We also found this absolutely sensational. Going to this part of the world does indeed feel like a spiritual experience.
5th April 2024

The Norval Gallery
Great to see your comment, Dave. We followed your Kimberley adventure shortly after yours, so your tips were much appreciated. My next blog will be the Kimberley rock art which was a major inducement for our embrace of that remote and spiritual country.

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