OZ uncovered

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April 16th 2006
Published: April 26th 2006
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So again it has been ages since the last blog but OZ was very busy. Have spent the past 2 months travelling from Melbourne to Sydney and then up the east coast to Cairns, rubbish not to be with Maxers but Jayne Juls and I had the most amazing time. Australia is incredible we have loved it so much, considering moving to Melbourne in fact! but since we have all being doing same stuff the three of us just wrote the blog together so if you are friends with all of us and have read all this before sorry but have added more pictures and a few more insulting jokes directed at JHB!

Juls: Since our last entry we have been pretty much drinking our way up the East Coast, another town, another hangover is our new motto or in some cases for those travellers of less moral stature than myself...another town, another boy. but i will get to that in due course.

after sydney loz and i headed to byron bay which was to be the scene of many misdemeaners and generally shameful behaviour all round. we ended up staying there for 2 weeks as it was such an amazing place and we met so many nice people plus there was the small factor of the most awesome sannie shop in the land. a great deal of our time was spent at a club called Cheeky Monkeys where they actively encourage table dancing, needless to say jayne and myself thought this was the coolest thing in the world due to the number of times we have been physically removed from places for this very reason, and the fact that the tables where steel enforced meant that the 3 of us could even get on at the same time!! there was a slight problem one night when loz was refused entry for excessive goon induced drunkeness..not one to be deterred she wasn't going down without a fight, so with a twinkle in her very glazed eye she dragged me to a nearby car park where a quick clothes swap occurred, tactics that no one else has employed since the age of 14 i might add! so lauren swanned in in my outfit but poor old JHB encountered some difficulties as i was wearing that sesh head's dress which they recognised but luckily my excellent diplomatic skills prevailed and i was eventually let in!

Loz: One night as i was strolling home from the discotheque i was somewhat surprised to witness my good friend JHB sprinting past me calling "Hurry up Loz the sannie shop is closing in 5 minutes...rruuuunn!!" spectators were very impressed with her speed and agility not to mention her utter dedication to the eating cause. when not sprinting to the sandwich shop, Julia has had a few romantic encounters of her own, there was the handsome hip hopper from the home counties, a vertically challenged lepricorn no in fact there have been several midget Irish men!, a 50 year old iranian who only left her alone after she fabricated some tale about being engaged, and of course the vending machine!! jayne also wasn't short of admirers..namely a kiwi that Julia aptly christened 'Pinnochio' due to his somewhat distinguishing nose. when sober I did a bit of diving in Byron which was amazing, saw 17 tiger reef sharks, should have maybe kept this information to myself as it didn't do much to qualm Julia's fears..whilst lying on the beach she would regularly claim she could see a fin in the water. Also got to meet up with my Chinese friend Sophia which was so so good to see her again although made me realise how much I am missing Binzhou and dumplings! (miss you sophia!!) we all did a bit of body boarding there too which was fun even though we did get totally bosched by huge waves which then prompted the reappearance of Boab in Jayne's case (sasm and hugh know what im talking about!) after Byron it was on to Surfers for a couple of nights and then Brisbane where we met up with Juls and Jayne's friend Nick from Copers and were treated to an awesome meal in a proper home very exciting.

Next stop was Noosa which was a really pretty small surfer town, days were spent riding the waves, as could be predicted old Perfect Pants Arbuckle took to the surf instantly and managed to stand up first time, it took juls and I a couple more attempts to perfect our technique but by the end of the week we were all ripping up big ones!

Juls: We had a few interesting evenings out in Noosa too, it was here that Jayne reconnected with her spirituality after a brief romantic encounter with a real life monk complete with robes and has finally found herself after 5 months of travelling. meanwhile loz was hanging out with 19 year old boys by the name of Jimmy Badcock. seriously.
Next destination was Fraser Island (the biggest sand island in the world) where we camped for 2 nights and drove around in a 4 wheel drive truck thing with 9 other people. i think it was definitely one of the highlights of our whole time away, luckily we had a really really fun group (Hark to Sir Rosaline and his two noble henchmen, Sir Rossatron and the valient Monty, miss you all loads)(even if it did include Team Sensible ie 3 slightly dull/mute overly practical english girls - however, on the plus side they did prevent our camp being attacked by dingoes at night as the rest of us would inevitably get too drunk and pass out in our tents leaving all the food out). during the day we did our best not to topple our asethically challenged van whilst listening to a spot of tenacious D, much to the disgust of Team Sensible. Lake McKenzie and the Champagne Pools were incredible, we also went to Indian Head where you climb up this hill to see sharks, sting rays and dolphins in the sea below. At night we ate the vast quantities of food we had brought with us garnished with about 389 tonnes of sand that seemed to get everywhere, and played drinking games around the fire. this then prompted dancing around the van to shameful music by cyndi lauper, and the collapse of loz at around 9.17pm who then had to be escorted back to our tent by two 18 year old boys with her feet trailing in the sand underneath her. i'm guessing the main cause of this particular demise was possibly due to her shameless thieving of Team Sensible's alcopop stash.

Loz: jayne and i emerged from our tent on the first morning shivering and clinging to each other for body warmth in the icy conditions only to turn round and witness Juls elegantly falling out of the tent in true hardcore camper gear...her white bikini and the Giorgio sunnies on! after leaving Fraser Island it was another mammoth overnight bus journey to Airlie Beach where our nautical adventures began around the Whitsunday Islands. our hearty vessel was a catamaran called Wings, we were really lucky with the weather and the scenery was unbelievable as was the food on board. we all did loads of diving but it was just Juls and Jayne who partook in a spot of underwater boogying - see the attached video for a laugh!! our sleeping quarters made some of the dorms we have been in look positively spacious, although bed is def not a place you want to be at 5.30 in the morning when the engines and switched on and the all mighty swaying begins, all still suffering from slight motion sickness! the boat was amazing, definitely my favourite thing we have done in Oz(we also saw mink whales!) but now all i can think of is severance. only 4 days left until i have to leave juls and jayne am dreading it! in cairns just now, going diving again on the reef (went diving during a cyclone in fact!! My dive company was the only one of 56 that didn't cancel!! was slighty afraid due to the massive swells but worth it to see 3 sharks, a turtle and one of my mates getting spewed on by a japenese tourist!!!)and doing a trek in Cape Tribulation..
Im sure we will fit in a few more nights out! australia has been amazing, we have all had the best time ever and not stopped laughing, but the girls are off to Singapore for the last leg of their trip in South East Asia and i am meeting up with Maxers again and heading to New Zealand.

Finally getting the chance to finnish this, am now in New Zealand and is great to be back with Max although the weather is taking some getting used to, shorts and flip flops not really appropriate weather for the Kiwi winter, doing the Glacier hike tommorrow and then heading to Queenstown to take part in a few extreme sports -am going river boarding as won second prize in the fancy dress competition last night!!!(so should have won) but still free river boarding is very exciting!!!
will put more photos from fraser and whitsundays up soon
miss you all loads

Additional photos below
Photos: 42, Displayed: 28


oh dearoh dear
oh dear

or as one iranian man described her -smokin!!!

26th April 2006

a noble tale. well done me lady.
26th April 2006

A nation in mourning
I'm sure I heard that the last cyclone in Australia was secretly named Cyclone Lauren...? Looks like you had an amazing time in Oz and made your mark along the East Coast. So sad that I missed you in Surfers. Looking forward to hearing about your next adventures though and glad your partner in crime (AKA Max) has rejoined you. Missing you both. xx
26th April 2006

Very Jealous
Dear Lauren, Good to hear from you.... Sorry I havn't replied to your other mails. I'm very jealous! I got back in February from 4 amazing months in Argentina, which in hindsight I completley took for granted, don't do the same - keep on having a brilliant time, not much changes at home. I've got my first job working for Tatler which is very cool, and nice to be earning a bit of money, but looking forward until I next go away. Take care, lots of love, Vix xxx
27th April 2006

You look like you are having an amazing time I am very jealous but thought that after 22 years fat head you would have grown out of that lazy eye... oh dear never mind technology in years to come may be able to help you. Looking forward to your return! CXXX
27th April 2006

New Zealand
lauren, how long you in NZ for? I arrive in Christchurch on 8th May. Will you have caused your chaos and left by then or will you still be around? Oh and you all look stunning and tanned and pretty and thin in your photos - it's sickening!! Love you liz xxxx

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