A Golden Gate Stroll

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January 24th 2024
Published: January 24th 2024
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The morning had a slight blip when a chap I asked for directions to the 28 bus misheard me and directed me to the 38, thankfully we managed to get a connecting bus and then the correct one.
Our destination the Golden Gate Bridge, though Orangy Red Gate Bridge maybe a more accurate name. Not sure though the tourist board would be able to sell to potential tourists to come visit the Orangy Red bridge.
Upon arrival there is an excellent viewing point of the city and a model of the bridge. Apparently it has a 28 foot sway from left to right, in heavy winds, similar to how some of us sway in and out of my driving lane but without wind assistance.

The good news is there's walking and cycling lane on the bridge so no point in going that far and not walking across. It's about 2-3km each way with lots of nice scenery and photo opportunities, so have your Instagram poses ready if that's what floats your boat.
The bridge also includes an interpretive centre where you can learn more and a cafe if you fancy a treat after your bridge walk. It is also connected to a city hiking trail so if you have the time and energy you can hike to it.

Later, We visited a small cartoon museum which was interesting So if comics are your thing it's worth a look.

Another tourist box was ticked when we took the old style trolley still in use. For some reason the driver asked me was I from Texas he thought I had a thick accent, I told him for a minute there I thought he was going to call me a thick!!

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