My Five Best Burgers

Published: January 5th 2020
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Despite the plethora of specialty cuisines, Kaiseki dinners, and tasting menus around the world, the American hamburger is still near the top of my food choices. Here are my five best. I would be curious to hear about yours.

5. The Kingsburger, Park Drive In, Kingsburg This is the place (only a distant memory) where we hung out after school, after football games, and many other times. It may not have been the best burger, but it was the only burger in our little town.

4. Burger Road, Pleasant Hill A typical greasy, and I emphasize greasy spoon, now replaced by a joint called Chef Burger. I am still not sure if the fries were greasier than the burger. But both were delicious, and my kids loved it when they were growing up.

3. Burger at Chow, Lafayette, CA More of an adult burger, rather simple, but somewhat elegant. The meat is always cooked perfectly, and the fries are always "Crespi" crisp. Priced like a gourmet burger, but I just love this place, its rather limited menu, and the overall bistro atmosphere.

2. Burger at House of Juju, Clovis, CA Who would think a great burger can be found in my new home city? Now in a bigger location, still no reservations taken, this place serves the best burger between San Francisco and the Grand Canyon. Rather massive (the burger, as well as the restaurant), it should be split with someone. The quality of the meat shines. But no fries, instead roasted potatoes, a welcome change.

1. Burger at the El Tovar dining room, Grand Canyon Christmas eve, somewhat magical with the snow falling at the Grand Canyon, we had to warm up inside this great dining hall. Someone said their burger is the best. We ordered, and we now believe. I can still taste it! I can't wait to go back and see if the magic is still there. Huge, juicy, grilled, served with a huge platter of fries, as the winter snow blankets the Canyon.

I doubt if I average a burger a month. When we are on the road, the easiest stop is In N Out Burger, always fresh, with great fries. It is the only "fast" food that we eat, unless you count pho or sushi. Speaking of which . . . .

I would love to hear about your favorite burger And what you like as condiments.

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