Cenotes so looking forward to going to one

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North America » Mexico » Yucatán » Merida
August 15th 2023
Published: August 16th 2023
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Our very own cenotesOur very own cenotesOur very own cenotes

partly covered
After the night in Merida, which is a really pretty place if totally honest, but then all the little places we have been to have been lovely with great squares and small places to eat and drink. We watch the local dancing which is quite nice and different and gets great crowds looking on. I am so looking forward to going to a couple of Cenotes. One is partly covered by a cave and one is totally open. Now you are probably, saying what the hell is a Cenote - well they are limestone sinkholes which have really clear water. Cenotes were commonly used for water supplies by the ancient Maya and also would you believe some of them were used for sacrificial offerings - these Mayan people loved a sacrificial ritual it appears!

The first one we go in is partly covered and is absolutely amazing and is the best as it is only our group that is in it so we have the whole Cenote to ourselves. I must admit I never appreciated it until we went to the second one which was much more popular and had lots of others - being a bit dramatic there but quite a few other people in it. However, it was still amazing and so refreshing. In both Cenotes people could jump from varying heights into the water - Claire took the honours in our group by twice jumping from about 15 metres into the water below. We then went to a local house for our lunch which was nice and if honest the meals at local houses are really quite special.

Next day we are off to Chicken Itza and it does not take long to realise why the Mayan site of Chicken Itza is one of Mexicos most popular tourist draws, helped by the fact that it is near Playa del Carman and Cancun which you can reach in the day. We arrive quite early but if honest not early enough as this type of place should be visited as soon as it opens, otherwise it is too crowded. The first pyramid that jumps out at you is El Castillo and it certainly has a wow factor. Also Chicken Itza has a ball court which has carvings of skulls and eagles and once again it appears that there were 7 on each side and you have a rubber ball that weighed around 7lbs and you had to get the ball through a hoop on the wall. The hoop is quite high up on the wall and the hole was quite small - once again if you managed to score the game ended and the person who scored was then sacrificed - I told you these Mayan people love a good sacrifice. Apparently sometimes a game would last for hours or even days - players could only use their elbows, hips or thighs to pass the heavy, very bouncy ball, so I can imagine how difficult it was to play. Telling you now, if I was playing - which I wouldn’t have been because it was men only - I wouldn’t have scored a goal just for the experience of being sacrificed!!!

Would you believe that Chicken Itza is around 47 hectares and used to be home to around 90,000 inhabitants so once it used to be a great city. We make our way now to the next hotel which is one of the best and is situated in a
Get the ball through this Get the ball through this Get the ball through this

and you are sacrificed
little town, Valladolid. Now I have read that Valladolid is also known as the Sultana of the East and is famed for its quiet streets which are really colourful. It is also near Rio Lagartos which I would love to have gone to as it has a pink lake with flamingoes in which looks spectacular but it looks like we might have to do a day trip to this when we arrive at our last destination as we have a few extended days.

We went out last night and had a few margaretas and a bit of a sing song - well I must admit I probably took over the stage and if there is ever a microphone and a Karaoke you can bet your bottom dollar you will have to prize the microphone off me as I think I am the main act at Caesar‘s palace in Las Vegas move over Adele - Paula is coming for your slot.

Well our last full day is coming up soon as we all depart our different ways on Friday. We are staying on in Playa del Carmen
First margaritaFirst margaritaFirst margarita

I can assure you no more of these as I will be called to Caesar’s Palace to replace Adele and I think this could be a really bad idea for everyone!
for 8 days or R&R but most people are either going on Friday or Saturday either home or onward journeys. It will feel really weird just being Mike and I again but hey ho just received a text from Amanda a friend in the UK wishing us a happy anniversary - to which I said to Mike is it our anniversary to which he said oh yes it is - so thanks Amanda for reminding us!!!!!! I am definitely not having another Margarita tonight wedding anniversary or no wedding anniversary!


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