Bad hair day?

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December 4th 2018
Published: December 5th 2018
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I was not at all well last night so we are contemplating whether our planned trip to a cenote today is a great idea. We had hoped to be up early and at the place close to opening time. We have already missed that by at least an hour. Maybe we will go this afternoon instead?

My hair is feeling thick and heavy - maybe it’s time for another haircut. There’s a unisex salon not far away so we pick up our bikes and cycle to it.

At the salon there are two guys cutting hair and they look a little surprised when I walk in. Do they cut ladies hair, I enquire via my translator. Yes, they do! The surprise must be because I’m a tourist then? Using sign language I indicate that I would like a trim, my fringe is too long, I like it cut around the ears, and my parting is on the left. I sit down and pray.

Looks like I am getting the works today...a full wash, cut and blow dry along with some gel at the end. They seem to be in to sticky-up gel styles here. Ian says he thinks it looks good, so it must be ok. I’m pretty surprised that the cost is only 150 pesos As Tulum is definately on ‘on the up’ tourist town. This further confirms my thoughts that they don’t see many tourists at this salon!

I’m feeling a bit better now that I’m up and about so I suggest going to the cenote. Ian isn’t that keen so we really don’t do anything very much but laze around again. The adorable puppy is still bounding around in the B&B garden so that adds a bit of a distraction.

This evening we return to the restaurant on the main drag. Strangely it is all locked up. We take a good look round the street but end up back at the place next door. This really hasn’t been a great place for eating out. We are, however, pleasantly surprised. We both choose fish and we are able to opt for fresh veg and mashed potatoes instead of rice and salad. Our only mistake was to ask them to cook the fish a few more looked a bit undercooked and we don’t want to add food poisoning to our woes. Unfortunately it comes back a little overdone. It’s not too bad though and the veg and mash are delicious.

During the course of our meal we get a guitar playing busker who we’d like to pay to go away. Eventually he does go away to be replaced by a group of four kids waving palm fronds and singing Christmas carols.


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