Entering The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's flag
Middle East » Saudi Arabia » Jeddah
February 27th 2022
Published: March 2nd 2022
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Artwork in the museumArtwork in the museumArtwork in the museum

The eyes are the soul. Such beauty.
It was back in 2008 when we had our first experience in the Middle East. We came through Dubai for a few days on our way as we traveled west towards the United States at the end of many months. Since that time, we’ve have the good fortune to visit Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Israel. The Middle East has a stark beauty and a unique culture that continues to call us back. We have always felt that by getting to know cultures unlike our own that we become better citizens of the world.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on world travelers. It's been painful and somewhat tortuous for those who long to wander the planet. We read an article recently that described people who are COVID weary as fatigued, frustrated and frazzled by the five surges over the past two years. That describes us to a "T". The only real cure for us was to give in to our passion for travel. We needed to take the antidote, and that had to be a mystical and fairly unknown travel adventure. So for us Saudi Arabia became the answer. Hence, it was time to enter "The Kingdom."

The kingdom has
Old Town ArchitectureOld Town ArchitectureOld Town Architecture

Jeddah's beauty
only been around a relatively short time as the present-day country was "founded" in 1932 by King Abdulaziz (known as Ibn Saud in the West), hence the name Saudi Arabia. This delightful land hit the mother lode of oil after World War II and the rest as they say, is history. Sitting on bodacious amounts of oil will do that do a country. Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. The king and his family run the country. By the way, the king's family makes up about 22,000 plus members.

Continued reading revealed that in 2017 Mohamed bin Salman became the Crown Prince and he wanted to modernize the country and decrease the need and reliance on oil revenues. Since that time, he has begun to make changes, one of which is to allow tourists into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi. Prior to 2019 when this change was enacted only a skilled worker, business travelers and those on a religious pilgrimage were permitted to enter. With tourist dollars and a yen for learning, here we are....open to experience the beauty of Arabia.

On our flight from Doha, Qatar to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia we flew sort of near Mecca. The
Making new friendsMaking new friendsMaking new friends

This lady was tickled to have her photo taken.
pilot made the announcement and hundreds of Muslims on the plane who were heading to Mecca for pilgrimage began to pray. This went on the last twenty minutes of the flight. One gentleman had a microphone and walked up and down the aisle to get everyone going. Rhythmically it seemed more like a song than prayer but was repetitious like a chant or prayer. All Muslim’s are heavily encouraged to visit Mecca once in their lifetime.

But how to best experience this land? It just opened up to tourism, so you've got to figure the infrastructure necessary is really not in place yet. That is attractive to us. Most of you know we are independent travelers and have only taken one group tour in the past. But on a journey here, it seemed like a good plan. On this trip we decided to travel with Wild Frontiers. We have a small group of 7, two guides and a driver on a 52 passenger bus. Why the big bus? They apparently do not have anything smaller and all of us would never fit in a van. We are having a wonderful time and will provide a critique of our Wild
Night time view of mosqueNight time view of mosqueNight time view of mosque

This was the mosque near our hotel in Jeddah.
Frontiers experience in a later blog. So far, things are going exceptionally well. Our guides Daniele and Saad are magnificent and taking great care of our group. One of the pleasures of a taking a group tour is that all you have to do is show up. Everything is arranged for you.

Our first stop was the Tayebat Museum to gain an overview of Saudi Arabia. As we drove up to the building, we were impressed with the lovely Arabic detailed architecture. This museum has three floors and multiple rooms of treasures. They provide an overwhelming amount of information about the culture, clothes and history of this country. After all, the culture has been around a long, long time.

Next up was lunch. It was no ordinary one though as it was at the Jeddah Fish Market. Seafood is one of our favorites and we were all in for what would unfold. The market was bustling with men arranging and rearranging piles of whole fish, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and more. The variety was abundant. Our small group walked up and down aisles as we looked at all the choices. We huddled together with Daniele and Saad to
Daytime view of mosqueDaytime view of mosqueDaytime view of mosque

Near our hotel in Jeddah
discuss what we would like to eat for lunch. They explained Saad would purchase our selections, take it to the fish cleaners for preparation and then would meet us in the restaurant that they pointed out for our meal. The restaurant prepares the food we have purchased in the market and delivers it to our table. We were given about 30 minutes free time while all of this took place. We meandered, took some photos of the hard workers in the market. We spoked to a couple of the vendors and then moved to the fish cleaning area to observe. We had not seen this kind of organized operation in any of the world markets we’ve seen. Maybe in the past it was more behind the scenes. Watching the intensity of the prep work allowed us to enjoy the meal even more. Before us sat platters of freshly grilled seafood, pita bread, fries, salad, tahina sauce and tamarin sauce which we promptly dove into. We feasted until we could eat no more.

All around the world each town has a market. Jeddah has Al Balad Old Town. Every town, village or city thinks theirs is the best. In this
A cat in old townA cat in old townA cat in old town

A comfortable life.
part of the world they are better know as souks. The oddity to us is that one street will sell nothing but shoes, another street will sell clothing. Multiple vendors right next to one another selling virtually the same thing.....What made this experience different is we arrived in the afternoon before the market opened following prayers. We wandered the back streets for about an hour enjoying the architecture. Slowly between 430 and 500pm the shops began to open. They are not open during the afternoon due to extreme heat. It was lovely watching the souks come alive and daily life explode into action. We stopped to taste several flavors of honey. This part of the world is well-known for their dates and honey.

This part of town is quite old with many building that are beyond repair. Seems when they were constructed, no rebar was used and they are now literally crumbling. Some are being rehabilitated in the hopes of future business and tourism.

On another note, a few years ago they commissioned artists from around the world to come to Jeddah and build sculptures. They are scattered all over the city. Plus there is a park with many of the sculptures gathered together located near the water. You can walk the corniche for a couple of miles along the water enjoying the scenery. The corniche is a focal point with local families as the sunsets it becomes very lively. We were on the corniche for sunset by the water and were able to get a closer glimpse of a fountain they have built that shoots water into the sky about 1000 feet. This takes quite a feat of engineering. It was fun seeing the fountain up close as we had seen it the night before from our hotel roof.

Saudi Arabia is a large country land wise, so as you may imagine space is not an issue. Jeddah is really spread out and takes a long time to traverse from one side to another in the second largest city in the country. Currently, there is a massive amount of construction going on. Jeddah is a blend of new and old. It was once a major trading port along the Indian Ocean trade routes.

Some areas need restoration but all in all the city is in good shape. It is very clean, and we did not see much garbage. Right now, they are preparing for a Grand Prix taking place in late March. Many roads are closed to finalize the work for the event and this precluded us from visiting the floating mosque. The race is being held all around this famous edifice. We hope we can watch part of the race on TV so we can see if they completed the work (and some of the mosque!) It certainly looks like they have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks.

Other noteworthy observations....the dress code in Saudi Arabia is far more relaxed than we were expecting. This is an extremely conservative country. The women continue to dress traditionally conservative and yet not all of them are in the full abaya… Men often wear the thobe but many men are wearing jeans and we were surprised to see t-shirts! Everyone has been friendly. Many people like having their photos, but it is always polite to ask permission first. The citizens do not pay income tax, they have free medical care and education. The king covers all these expenses.The residents work until they are 60 and whatever they are making at age 60,
1000 foot fountain1000 foot fountain1000 foot fountain

It looks different on a windy day
they get for the rest of their lives. The people we've encountered seem quite friendly. To some, we are somewhat of an oddity, being westerners. It would not come as a surprise to us if we are the first westerners some have met.

Notes and comments:

As of February 2022, Saudi Arabia offers an e-visa for some countries now, so gaining entry is easy. Print to show upon arrival and as you move around the country. The e-visa can be challenging online if the government of Saudi Arabia does not recognize your bank card. We used American Express to mitigate this issue.

We were required to provide proof of a negative COVID antigen test.

Saudi also requires you to complete and print their online health form which has you include dates and information on which vaccine you have had. This needs to be printed also.

Once in the country you must fill out another health form which is on a special app. You receive a QR code which you will show multiple times as you move around the country.

Where we stayed:

Jeddah – Centro Shaheen

Jeddah has roughly 4 million people.

Travel Habits Change

In the pre-COVID world we often planned our travels 6,8,10 months in advance. We looked to each trip with joy and anticipation. Our philosophy was to have our next trip or two planned before taking the current trip. We wanted to have something to look forward to. Then the world changed. Now we consider whether we can travel, should we travel, will we travel. In September we took off to Spain and Portugal. The planning for the trip was done two or three weeks out. This trip to Saudi Arabia was planned barely six weeks before departure. One of the key factors in waiting is: will the country remain open? will infection rates spike and do we feel safe heading to that country at this time? We prefer to book when we think the chance of cancellation is decreased. We’ve heard stories about travelers trying to get refunds, some are not pretty.....

Additional photos below
Photos: 58, Displayed: 29


Intricate DetailIntricate Detail
Intricate Detail

Door at the museum
Sample of Ginger HoneySample of Ginger Honey
Sample of Ginger Honey

They offered about 20 flavors
Hungarian HoneyHungarian Honey
Hungarian Honey

Plenty of samples to pick from
Citrus DrinkCitrus Drink
Citrus Drink

We are trying new things.
Daniele & SaadDaniele & Saad
Daniele & Saad

Providing entertainment for our group
Our guidesOur guides
Our guides

Daniele & Saad at the Cornish
Happy SalesmanHappy Salesman
Happy Salesman

Fish for everyone
Hard working in the marketHard working in the market
Hard working in the market

Preparing the red fish

2nd March 2022

We share the same travel philosophy...
Plan well in advance...book when it looks like the country is open for good with non restrictions...only buy refundable tickets...have several plans in place over the next year or so.
3rd March 2022

Travel philosophy
It has changed with COVID but we hope things are returning to more normal. MJ
3rd March 2022

Enjoying your Saudi Arabia blog. Saudi Arabia has certainly been an unusual country to previously attempt to visit as a tourist. A colleague of mine had made trips there, but only in a work related capacity. It was almost impossible, as I understand, for women to visit.
3rd March 2022

Entering Saudi
It is not hard for women or men anymore. As you can see we are having a wonderful time.
3rd March 2022

Citizens of the World
Never has a more true sentence been written. I am so glad you are traveling again, and am enjoying your blog. I am happy that you have beat the throngs of tourists, and are able to enjoy a small, more private tour.
3rd March 2022

Citizens of the World
Our education continues... our soul is enriched with knowledge and friendship. We are glad to be here in the infancy of tourism. A small group is great.
3rd March 2022

Fascinating Read!
Hello Binkleys, I really enjoyed reading about the start of your fascinating trip to Saudi Arabia! I hadn't even realized that the country was not open to tourists until somewhat recently! Thanks for the very useful information too. All your photos were marvelous!
4th March 2022

Fascinating read
Thank you for following along and commenting. This is a wonderful place to visit. Another blog will come soon. You should add it to your list.
3rd March 2022

Looking forward to reading more about your travels in this country. We haven't ventured very yet after the pandemic. Hopefully to change that later thus year. Fingers crossed ?
4th March 2022

Arabian Travel
Everyone has to feel comfortable before they leave home as the world has changed. We are enjoying our adventure.
3rd March 2022

That market lunch had my taste buds quivering! Thanks for sharing your travel experiences-
4th March 2022

Lunch at the fish market was a real treat. This has been a unique trip.
3rd March 2022

Here is a great blog about Saudi Arabia ;-)
4th March 2022

Thank you for your kind words. We hope you will enjoy our next one also.
3rd March 2022

Wow, how incredible to be visiting Saudi Arabia! I think it would be a very interesting country to visit. I also love travelling in the middle east. And how wonderful to be travelling again. Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip.
4th March 2022

Saudi Arabia is a good place to visit. Tourism is in its infancy. The people are welcoming and love to talk with visitors.
4th March 2022

Interesting adventure
This is rather off the beaten track and I'm sure you've had an exciting experience.
4th March 2022

Interesting adventure
Indeed this is off the beaten track. After the past couple of years were were searching for something unique and we found it.
5th March 2022

The Kingdom
What an experience, which I suspect very few western tourists before you have had the pleasure of having. Very much looking forward to more stories.
5th March 2022

The Kingdom
More stories will come soon. We’ve had some great experiences.
5th March 2022

Magic Bus
May the vibe of the Who's great hit carry you to many magical moments in the land of the Saudis. Nothing like a near empty bus to travel around in!
8th March 2022

Magic Bus
I worried about the carbon footprint for a while but realized they don't have any small buses in the country so I had to get over it. Our group interacted well with each other. There were several magical moments.
6th March 2022

Wow, I don't think I've been so excited to read a blog before, lol! You are creating the footsteps of travel pioneers, and how exciting that must be! I never knew that Saudi Arabia only opened its doors to tourists in 2019, and what with the last two years, I imagine not many have visited. How exciting to discover such an untouched, yet deeply rich and historic culture. It's good to read firsthand views and experiences in a country where I imagine the lifestyle is somewhat distorted in the western mind. Enjoy every moment, and I look forward to reading more ?
8th March 2022

We appreciate your excitement and we shared that enthusiasm as we moved around the country. We did feel a bit like travel pioneers as we didn't see many westerners. Shortly after Saudi opened to tourist it had to shut down due to COVID. We are thrilled to have seen Saudi Arabia in the infancy of tourism. We will share misconceptions that we uncovered while visiting.
6th March 2022

Ever adventurous !
Interesting to read about your experiences, when I was living in Dubai for 6 years it wasn’t a place you would visit unless for work. So it’s opening up now ...that’s good . But I do wonder what is hidden behind the glitz. And I wonder if a single woman traveller is welcome ? You guys are really intrepid . I’ve sent you some info about Malta , I hope you got it.
8th March 2022

Ever adventurous!
We are not that intrepid as we went with a group rather than on our own as we usually do. Toward the end of the trip we decided we were happy to have done this with a group as it would have been too difficult for us to arrange everything. You can wonder what is behind the glitz in most countries so I imagine that is true in Saudi... but I get your point.
6th March 2022

Saudi trip
I found this to be the most interesting of all of your travel blogs or FB posts, and I was surprised since I did not initially have any interest in Saudi Arabia. It was very educational both on how 'new ' the nation is, size of the king's family and modern changes.
8th March 2022

Saudi trip
I'm glad you enjoyed this. We enjoyed Saudi Arabia and more blogs will come. We learned a lot while away and look forward to sharing.
16th March 2022

You get to such interesting places.
I am not so ambitious anymore. I really enjoy reading about your travels. This year you visited places in Spain and Portugal that I have wanted to visit for a while and I think I probably will in the next year or two. And now you have visited Saudi Arabia which I cannot image I will visit as they have two things in abundance that I do not like -- desert and extreme heat. But it's fascinating to read your travel accounts and to travel along with you.
16th March 2022

Such interesting places
Thank you for your comments. Spain and Portugal were wonderful. If you don't like deserts you won't like Saudi but it was a great trip. You should give it some consideration. Thank you for following along with us. MJ
18th March 2022

Amazing you're both getting the opportunity to explore this unknown country. I had also heard that skilled workers were allowed into the country but with restrictions, so good to see this country is opening up to foreigners
19th March 2022

Saudi open
The Crown Prince is progressive and wants to encourage tourism. A beautiful country and wonderful experience. We had a great time. Thank you for commenting. Hope our paths cross again soon.
21st March 2022
Knives from the past

Saw those in Yemen
We started our blog when I went to Yemen. That must have been in 2006 or so. In Yemen I saw many such knives. From what I could understand they are still used, at least as decoration or for various ceremonies. /Ake
21st March 2022
Knives from the past

Saw those in Yemen
They are really unique knives and they come in many sizes. I do think they are still used for various reasons.
25th March 2022

Travel envy
Wow such an interesting trip, so looking forward to reading more. We travel the same as you always as independent travelers but I’d have to agree probably there and Iran I would opt for a tour group as well. I just love the Middle East and your descriptions definitely help transport your reader there!
25th March 2022

Travel Envy
Jessica thank you for reading and commenting. We hope to go to Iran soon. We will opt for a group tour there also. As you we prefer to travel independently.
29th March 2022

I think I would love it but ...
I have a most reluctant travel partner. He has managed to sabotage all my plans to visit Jordan and Egypt till now. Maybe I will travel solo next winter. Your travels in Saudi Arabia are so interesting. Really fascinating stuff. It's also great that you managed to visit at the dawn of tourism there.
29th March 2022

I think I would love it but....
I'm sorry your reluctant travel partner won't go to Jordan, Egypt or Saudi... they are marvelous... and safe. Safer than visiting the U.S. Thank you for reading along and commenting.
1st June 2022
A cat in old town

New Frontiers
I'm just catching up on all the blogs I didn't get to comment on while I had issues logging into TB... and enjoying re-reading your Arabian adventures :)
1st June 2022
A cat in old town

New Frontiers
I'm thrilled you've gotten your TB issues worked out. It is good seeing you back on. You were missed. Thanks for reading Saudi. It was a good trip and very interesting. I'm glad we went.
23rd October 2022
Soon to be the tallest building in the world

I had no idea they changed their visa rules. Good on you for blazing a trail!
26th October 2022
Soon to be the tallest building in the world

We were happy to go before things develop too much for tourists. We hope you can get there soon.

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