Russian Cruise cont.....Kizhi Island

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Europe » Russia » Northwest » Karelia
June 30th 2018
Published: July 24th 2018
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Kizhi is an island near the geometrical center of the Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. Lake Onega is between 31 - 127 metres deep with 1650 islands (mostly rocky outcrops). The best known island is Kizhi. The island was very prosperous from the middle ages because of the trade with timber, furs and fish. It was frequently targeted in raids but when Peter the Great established Russia's soverignity in the Finnish borderlands that the region witnessed a construction boom using the local timber. They have a very traditional method of cutting wood by cutting with axes rather than sawing believing that it closed the grain of the wood against moisture while wooden pegs and joints were used rather than nails as they were expensive. As we set off for our tour of the island we were given a warning " do not walk in the grass as there may be vipers".

A museum village, Pogost is a group of wooden structures spanning three centuries. The oldest and most spectacular building is the Church of the Transfiguration with its 22 onion domes and 3000 shingles. Part of it is under restoration. There are other buildings such as the Church of the Intercession but has just 9 domes.There are other wooden buildings such as windmills, saunas, barns and farmhouses.

Impressive to see important buildings such as these preserved.

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