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November 5th 2009
Published: November 9th 2009
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Inside Lourdes CathedralInside Lourdes CathedralInside Lourdes Cathedral

Love the fabric. That's a new one. There were stunning marble pillars here also.
I went to Lourdes because I wanted to visit the caves and to a day tour to the Pyrenees as mentioned online. However, when I arrived these (and nearly all other attractions) had closed 4 days before I arrived. Apparently 'through November' doesn't actually INCLUDE November. But that's okay because it was interesting eing in a tourist town when there are no tourists. Usually people flock here on a pilgrimage to see the Grotto where Saint Bernadette supposedly saw 'the immaculate conception' appear to her eight times. (I find it astounding that a whole towns prosperity and trade is still based on a story told by one little girl centuries ago). After the 31st of October this place has no spirit to it. Its incredibly quiet, even during the day until about 1pm.

I did get to visit the Lourdes Castle and Pyrenean museum which I thoroughly enjoyed. There's something brilliantly moody about a castle in the rain. It made me think of places I've visited in England in the winter. Not only did they display costumes and toold and furniture from various time periods throughout th castles history, they also had some fanastic scale models of real buildings and villages and castles in france. Complete with bonsaii trees handing over them! So I enjoyed that very much. I could have taken a cable car up one of the mountains for a view of the Pyrenees but it was so wet and grey I didn't think it would be worth the money. Very poor visibility. However the view of the snow capped Pyrenees from the window of the train as I left the next morning was breathtaking. Very glad I got to see that.

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Inside Lourdes CastleInside Lourdes Castle
Inside Lourdes Castle

Lourdes Castle and Pyrenean museum
Peasant bedroomPeasant bedroom
Peasant bedroom

Lourdes Castle and Pyrenean museum
Beautiful viewBeautiful view
Beautiful view

never got up close to that church but it's gorgeous.
Lourdes CathedralLourdes Cathedral
Lourdes Cathedral

Forgive the angle of this pic. I still had all my bags draped over me because I'd just arrived.

Look how close the toilet is to the wall. you literally cannot sit on it front on. You have to sit sideways!

10th November 2009

Lovely pictures
Lovely view accept for the Ensuite :-)
10th November 2009

Thanks! I wasn't terribly impressed with the ensuite either. hehe
12th November 2009

Ensuite seating
That's what you get for having long legs. They obviously expected the tourists to be short! It looks as if you would knock your elbows on the sink while you are sitting there, too! The costume and room displays are very like the ones we have here and we saw at Hampton Court Palace, too, aren't they. However, I don't recall ever seeing one who looked as if he had been decapitated and then the head plonked back as an after thought! Looks mad, especially standing next to the 2 women who appear to be tipsy!! The church and cathedral look good. Re the model village- if you enjoy seeing them make sure you find time to see Beckinscott Model Village when you are in England. It is huge and very well laid out with little characters going about their daily lives ( I remember one tiny man up a ladder hosing a fire in the chimney!). I don't know if it has been kept up as I haven;t seen it for about 35 years but Dad showed me an article about it several years ago so I believe it is still open to the public.
13th November 2009

Love your comment! Made me laugh. :) Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely check it out. Rings bells. Think I've heard of it before.
17th November 2009

looks like youre having an awesome time! geez france is beautiful! youre making me pine with jealousy!
18th November 2009

It is incredibly beautiful! Of course that's why I wanted to come. :) You'll get here soon I'm sure.

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