D MJ Binkley's Guestbook

30th April 2024

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Visits
The entire commentary was superb to read and enjoy. Through your words I could relive and remember many things about my own travels to these wonderful cities. So much history. It means much more when one can actually physically be there. I agree. Everyone should try to visit these two historical cities and see first hand what nuclear weapons can do.
30th April 2024
Whisky with snake inside

On WWII remnants
I totally understand that you visit old WWII-remnants such as the Naval Underground Headquarters. I have visited a few bunkers in Germany and in France from that period. Snake in a jar with whisky is pretty weird. I have seen it but never tasted it. /Ake
30th April 2024
Whisky with snake inside

On WWII remnants
Ake, thanks for reading and commenting. In each country we like to visit these type of museums to see their perception of the events. the underground headquarters was very interesting. The snake whisky didn't look interesting enough to try it.
28th April 2024

The Bombs
Great idea to link these two cities together! I’d love to see the new and improved museum in Hiroshima. And I’ve read that Nagasaki wasn’t the primary target that day and it was a bad day to have good weather.
28th April 2024

The Bombs
From what we learned in the museums Nagasaki was the intended target on that day but many locations were considered. These two cities are linked together in history. Well worth a visit.
28th April 2024

Nice experience in Nagasaki
The harbour would have been a lovely experience as well for you :)
28th April 2024

Nice experience in Nagasaki
We did enjoy this harbor town. It is far lovelier than imagined.
28th April 2024

Welcome to Japan!
Yay, I'm so glad to read of your arrival in Japan, as you say your main destination on this trip. I didn't get to see Okinawa on my own trip a few years ago, but would love to go. I understand it is quite different from the mainland. I imagine the WWII sights were poignant and memorable, and I'm sure you enjoyed all that delicious-looking food! Also nice to read you getting into the onsen-thing - wonderful! Good idea with the rental car, though it indeed looks tiny - it must have been a tight fit for you all!
28th April 2024

Welcome to Japan!
Okinawa is the Florida of Japan. There is a great deal of history on the island. We enjoyed our time on Okinawa. We loved all our visits to the onsens. We love thermal waters. The car was bigger than it looked and comfortable. Thank you for reading and commenting.
27th April 2024

Your time in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Loved the detail on the food and friendly people. It caught my eye that Dave’s father was a soldier in the European theater and after the German surrender, the remaining troops waited to see if they would be sent to the Pacific theater. This was exactly Paul's dad's situation. Though I think he actually may have received orders already. Then the bomb was dropped on the two cities, and instead he was redirected and ended up in Austria and other places. He is 97 and lives with us.
27th April 2024

Your time in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Thanks for reading and commenting. So many lives were impacted by these events. I'm sure Paul's father has many stories to share.
26th April 2024
Riding the Rails

Riding the Rails
How to take a great shot of a train...a bullet of a pic! I'll post some of your pics in TB's "Trains, trains & more trains" in the Photography Forum. Love the perspective in this one that evokes sizzling speed to burn.
26th April 2024
Riding the Rails

Riding the Rails
Thank you for your kind words. That means a lot coming from you. When you are sitting in the train station and they whiz past you one really understands how fast they are moving.
23rd April 2024

Not a big fan of monkeys but these are adorable. I think I can enjoy just viewing and not interacting. That seems to be when it all goes wrong for me. How cool. Well worth going north, snow or no snow. I can real respect their love for the onsen too. Ah to lounge all day in one! Maybe I’ll be a snow monkey in my next life.
23rd April 2024

Snow Monkey
Andrea, being a snow monkey in the next life is a worthy goal. I Amy have to consider that also. Monkeys can be vicious and agree that I normally keep a distance. These guys are so adorable and don't seem to be bothered by people hanging out and looking at them.
22nd April 2024

Japan Agrees with You
It certianly looks like Japan agrees with you! You both look relaxed and happy. Makes me want to go back soon.
22nd April 2024

Japan Agrees with you
Indeed we loved our time in Japan. There is so much to experience. I hope you get back soon.
22nd April 2024

Going backward now to enjoy the rest of your travel blogs through Japan. It seems there is just too much to see with one visit. I don’t know where to start? I’ve been in Tokyo 3 times for 24h work turnaround so other than the airport hotel, I’ve seen only a few things like harajuku, it seemed very chaotic. I’m thinking I’d skip Tokyo and take a train to Osaka first and then come back to Tokyo to enjoy after acclimatized? Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
22nd April 2024

Indeed it would take multiple visits to Japan to do it justice... or a really long visit. We had three and a half weeks and barely scratched the surface. We liked Osaka more than we thought we would as we had read some mixed reviews. That blog is coming soon. Keep going back and you'll learn about those precious monkeys.
21st April 2024
We are having fun at the Shrine

Great picture of you two! Enjoying life and your adventures! Well done
22nd April 2024
We are having fun at the Shrine

Enjoying life
We are doing our best to cram as much in all the travel days we have left in this life. These experiences make us smile.
21st April 2024

OMG Binkleys!
Where do I even start! What a trip. What an adventure. The photos! Wow. Onsens, trains and Mt Fuji. I hung in every word. Can you tell I want to experience Japan some day? I only saw the airport and a hotel in Tokyo three times for my job. Time for me to go for me! Were the cherry blossoms late or early?
22nd April 2024

OMG Binkleys!
The cherry blossoms were a little late this year. We enjoyed each moment of exploration. Book your trip and you won't have regret. There is so much to see and experience. Thanks for reading and commenting.
21st April 2024

Ah, lovely! This brought back wonderful memories of my own visit to Taiwan over Chinese New Year 2007. Like you, I only really explored Taipei and around, and would have loved to have explored other parts of the country. Sounds like you did what you love best, exploring and sampling local cuisine. Foot massages at the end of each day sound perfect for the weary traveller! ☺️
21st April 2024

I'm glad you experienced the Chinese New Year. I bet that was a spectacle. The foot massages were perfect.

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