Page 3 of ChrisWPdx Travel Blog Posts

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris November 7th 2023

We are now in Paris; I am sitting in my favorite room in my favorite hotel in Paris. Just off Rue Cler, the street where I stayed on my very first visit to Paris (and fell in love) many years ago. We are having dinner at a restaurant one friend of ours discovered on his first trip, and we have been going back ever since. It is now one of our favorite places and just three blocks from the hotel. The day started early, no time for breakfast and zero offer to pack a picnic for us like every other hotel we stayed at did when we had an early train. The hotel in San Sabastian may have had a nice view, but the service was pretty lacking. They are clearly jaded from dealing with the ... read more
My Blog Muse
Veloute Celeri
Champignons Sauvage

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián November 6th 2023

Our last stop in Spain before turning back towards home via Paris and London. Is Donostia/San Sebastian. The US traveler would only know it as San Sebastian, the playground of the rich and famous. However, here it is referred to as Donostia/San Sebastian both Basque and Spanish. The Trip to Bilbao was the last journey on the Spanish Renfe, we are now using the Euskatren, a Basque Country commuter line. We were initially thinking it would be like NJ Transit, turns out it is very modern and fairly comfortable with bathrooms on the train. Yesterday, Jerry had mapped out our route from the Hotel to the Metro to the train station that the E1 leaves from. It was very easy. We walked about two blocks to the metro stop, took an elevator to the platform and ... read more
The View
The Beach and Old Town
Old Town Walk

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao November 5th 2023

Bilbao is on the Northern coast of Spain on the Bay of Biscayne, the same bay the much of western France is on. It is the largest city in the Basque Country with over 1 million residents. In the 19th century it was the industrial center of the Basque Region, then came Guggenheim. The museum was designed by Frank Gehry and puts the New York Guggenheim to shame. The architecture of the building itself is worth seeing. The museum opened in 1997 and now I don’t think of Bilbao without thinking Guggenheim. More on the museum later. Unfortunately for us, Sunday in Bilbao is not the day to visit. Most everything is closed, except the Guggenheim. It is a very sleepy city on Sunday. We did not make it to the old section Casco Viejo or ... read more
The Rising Sea
For you to determine
Women in Garden

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao November 4th 2023

Another early and long travel day, this was the longest of the trip. Our train was at 7:47 so we did not have time for the nice breakfast, but again the hotel packet us a picnic for the train. This was by far the best of the three that were prepared for us. It was just another rainy day in Santiago as we loaded the luggage in the taxi and were off to Bilbao. We arrived at the train station a bit earlier than normal, because a couple of days ago, I received an email from Renfe, that part of our journey had been changed from train to bus. We had questions so we arrived early to make sure we would have a smooth transition. It all turned out fine, as far as making the connections. ... read more
Waiting for the Bus in Ourense
On the way to Bilbao
6 hours of our life

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela November 3rd 2023

What the city is most noted for is that it is the end point of one of the great Christian pilgrimages, the others being Rome and Jerusalem. The legend holds that in around 813, the bones of St. James (one of the 12 apostle’s) were found in what was then the only stronghold of the Catholic Monarchs on the Iberian Pennisula. St. James was said to have brought Christianity to Spain. During the 9thcentury the Moors controlled most all of the Iberian Pennisula, the discovery of the bones, gave the Spanish King a rallying cry to begin the reconquest of Spain which would take several hundred years. Soon after the discovery, King Alfonso II built a church, and a city grew up around it. The Moors completely destroyed the church and the city in 997. Not ... read more
Courtyard of our Building
Cathederal de Santiago

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiago de Compostela November 2nd 2023

Today is the day we learn to cook pulpo (octopus). It was not an early day, but still the alarm went off at 6, but I didn’t get out of bed until seven. The hotel is pretty large, so breakfast has timed seatings so they can make sure everyone gets seated. The breakfast room was on the second floor in the first building. It was your typical layout, meat, cheeses, breads, fruit. There were no hot items, as they were all cooked to order. The coffee was the best of the trip, your own individual pot and a smaller pot of hot milk. Not to mention, instead of having the communal serving pieces each place setting had their own tongs to take to the buffet. You didn’t have to worry if someone didn’t wash their hands, ... read more
Cleaning the Monkfish

Europe » Spain » Galicia » Santiso November 1st 2023

Our train didn’t leave until 10:39, so we did not have to get up at some ungodly hour. I had time in the morning to check work e-mails, (stress I didn’t want) and we had a leisurely breakfast in the breakfast room. It was a quick cab ride to the train station and only about a 10-minute wait before they announced the via para nostros tren. Of course, it was the last care down the track, so the sweating started early. The trip would be in two parts. First to Madrid then from Madrid to Santiago de Compostela. Sounds easy enough and for the most part it was. Oh, there was the pesky having to take the metro from one train station to the other in Madrid. We had a little over an hour between trains, ... read more
Lunch on the Train
Dos Reis Paradores
Baked Scallops & Croquettes

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 31st 2023

Well rested, but sore from my fight with the wall and sight walk, our last day would also be our only full day of experiencing Seville. Before I begin, I failed to mention when we came back from dinner last night the hotel had left us a bottle of sparkling wine, I have no idea why, but it was a very nice touch, even if it was Italian and no Spanish. The alarm went off at six, thirty minutes of snooze time, and I was in the shower, I can barely lift my left arm above my neck, so the shower was an experience. My knee is quite purple, and my ring finger also managed to sustain an injury and is a bit swollen, Jerry is stuck with me now, since the wedding ring is not ... read more
Alcazar Court Yard
Pork In Tomatoes
Spanish Comfort Food

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 30th 2023

The long day yesterday, humidity and pretty much nonstop moving, finally caught up with us. I Jerry started feeling it a couple of days ago, but thought it was allergies, but know a light head cold got us both. Last night we already had modified what we were going to do today, but when we woke up, we scraped it all together. What we missed was our Cathedral tour, lunch at the central market, the bull ring, Iglesia Del Salvador (another small church) and the Flamenco Museum. What we have managed to do today so are; Jerry got the laundry to the laundry service down the street, we had breakfast (more on that in a bit) and slept. We are still planning on making our evening events a Flamenco Show and dinner. Breakfast was the standard ... read more
The Finale
The Cast

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville October 29th 2023

This morning started at 4:30, thankfully the one good thing about technology is our phones automatically adjusted for daylight savings time, so we stayed on schedule. Our train for Seville left at 6:58 so we would have not time to have breakfast at the hotel. Again, they were kind enough to pack us a picnic breakfast for the train. It was much better than what we provided in Tarragona. The comparison would be the free lunch you get at grade school compared to the lunch your mom makes you to take to school. The hotel called us a taxi and we arrived at the train station in plenty of time, but for some reason it still seemed as if we were rushing to get on the train. It seems that our car is always the furthest ... read more
Jewish Quarter
In the Jewis Quarter
Casa Pilato

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