Hua Hin thailand

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December 26th 2017
Published: December 27th 2017
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On our way to Hua Hin on the coast after turning in our rental Honda. We ended up renting a taxi for the 3 hour drive. Cost a reasonable $75. Delivered to our hotel with all our new baggage.

Staying in the Nice residence Hotel. ( condo ). Right on the end of the main shopping strip. Restaurants and stores close by. Shopped at really nice and new shopping center called the Bluport Center. Ended getting a SIM card for the iPad due to the flaky WiFi at the hotel. $20 for 6 gb includes the card. We are connected now. It’s a little cloudy out but still nice and warm. We are here for a few days than we catch the Thailand express train to where we can get the Ferry to Ko Samui. Should be a big party there as the full moon celebration and new year occur at the same time.

Nice Residence Hotel (that’s its name). Has a nice (and cold) pool a gym and very good room service. Not sure about the green glass countertops. All in all new and clean. Bed is hard kinda like a sheet of plywood with a sheet. Only the shower has hot water. Sinks are cold only. Staff is friendly. Very nice coffee shop and bakery a couple hundred feet up the street. See photo of the yummy latte.

Booked a taxi ride up to Pham Khao Luang temple cave. Monkeys everywhere. Except inside the cave. Which is very peaceful and well maintained by the monks. Some steep steps down to the main cavern which has natural light from a big hole in the top.

Prebooked the train tickets for Thursday $42 for the 5 hr train ride to Surat Thani

More later

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27th December 2017

That cave looks cool, and the monkeys would be cool to see
28th December 2017

Good pics
I love hearing where your going and what’s going on. Great pics of the fun stuff and every day life.

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