Nagasaki, Japan - Our last stop in this beautiful country

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March 30th 2014
Published: March 30th 2014
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21stMarch – Nagasaki

Our final port for Japan and we have been so impressed with their culture, cleanliness and hospitality.

Another lovely Spring day, we thought the blossom would be out here in Nagasaki but we are still a bit early.

Nagasaki is the capital of the prefecture on the island of Kyushu (the third largest) and it is where the second atomic bomb was detonated in August 1945 ending the Second World War.

I think we knew we were going to be ‘templed out’ so our trip was out to the Shimabara peninsula. Religion still reared its head as in the city of Shimabara there was a castle built in 1625 which now houses a small museum with exhibits of early Christianity in Japan.

Christianity was banned in 1587 and in 1597, 26 Christians were crucified in Nagasaki as a warning. The Shimabara rebellion was crushed in 1638 which effectively isolated Japan for more than 200 years.

Other attractions within Shimabara include restored samurai houses and guess what a reclining Buddha (we didn’t go there).

After another Japanese lunch (very authentic), don’t know half what we ate we bussed out to the Uzen National Park. Mount Uzen erupted in 1991 killing 40 people and burying the village of Mizunashihonji in ash. The village has been preserved as a memorial to those who lost their lives.

Our final visit today and the most poignant was to the Peace Park, which is a memorial for those who lost their lives on 9 August 1945. In the park is the Peace Statue standing some 30ft high, the man’s raised arm points to the threat of nuclear weapons coming from the sky.

Whilst very busy when we visited, there was a very peaceful aura around the park itself.

Another humbling experience.

Back to the ship for our overnight sail to Busan, South Korea

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