India in pictures

India's flag
Asia » India
October 21st 2009
Published: October 21st 2009
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These are some shots from my trip to India in 2004. They are scans from 35ml prints and fairly low quality.

An incredible trip to an amazing country and the catalyst for my now incurable wanderlust!

Additional photos below
Photos: 52, Displayed: 22


6th July 2010

what beautiful pics!
The Sub-Continent is high on my wish list and just looking at your photos is catalysing my wanderlust too! Thanks for your interest in and comments on my vodka diaries as well!
25th October 2010

If only film was cheaper i would only shoot with it. Thise pictures proove it, love them, you say the quality is low i say the quality is unique.
17th November 2012
Erotic carvings, Kajaraho


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