You buy I give you peace and quiet

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January 12th 2009
Published: January 12th 2009
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Rumor has it that certain airline is paying big cash to the Cambodian government so they won't make the road from the Thai border to Siem Reap, let's say, driveable...

It takes less that 4 hours to drive from Bangkok to the border, but 6 to cover the 162 kms from the border to Siam Reap... the road is... well, it's not a road, just a dirt track with some tarmac at some places...

Dust is just everywhere, and the houses next to the road are covered in a red layer of earth... I wonder how people can live there... some of them walk around with face masks... just some...

But we made it to the temples... fighting to avoid the tuk-tuk drivers who insist they are too far to go by bike... it was a very pleasant ride as it was completely flat...

We got up at 4 am to get there for the sunrise... got lost on the way so it took us more than an hour... it was freezing... I thought SE Asia was always warm...

We got to Angkor Wat for the sunrise, finally... and there were at least another 500 people!!!, so we thought we could go to some other temples while everybody were there... it was a good idea and as we were leving Bayon, the first tour buses were just arriving...

We stopped for a coffee as I was still cold... a child came and tried to make us buy some bracelets... 3 for $1 and she repeated the same thing for a while... and then more children came using the same words, so I said to Dax, "it's time to leave"... to what they answered you buy, I give you peace and quiet... that's the meanest thing I have ever been told by a child... I told them I wasn't going to buy so they could give me peace and quiet now... amazingly they left!!!

the best: ride the bike to the temples when nobody was on the road
the worse: well... the road!!

P.S. my Dad has told me off because, apparently, there aren't enough pictures of me in the blogs, so here's an overdose!!! haha!!

Tu compras, yo te dejo en paz

Dicen las malas lenguas que cierta companhia aerea paga un buen pellizco al gobierno Camboyano para que no asfalten la carretera que va desde la frontera con Tailandia hasta Siem Reap para hacerla, digamos transitable...

Lleva 4 horas desde Bangkok hasta la frontera y, desde alli, unas 6 para cubrir los 162 kms hasta Siem Reap... imaginad como es la carretera... bueno, no se le puede ni llamar carretera, es mas bien un camino de tierra con trozos asfaltados...

Hay polvo en todas partes y las casas al lado de la carretera estan cubiertas de una capa de tierra roja... me pregunto como pueden vivir asi... algunos se pasean con mascaras... solo algunos...

Pero llegamos a los templos... peleandonos con los conductores de tuk-tuk que insistian que estaban demasiado lejos para ir en bici... fue un paseo estupendo, mas que nada porque era plano...

Nos levantamos a las 4 de la manhana para ver la salida del sol... pero nos perdimos y tardamos una hora en llegar... estaba helada... yo pense que en el sudeste asiatico siempre hacia calor...

Llegamos a Angkor Wat para el amanecer... y habia por lo menos otras 500 personas!!!, asi que pensamos en ver otros templos mientras la gente se concentraba en este... fue una
petrol  /  gasolinapetrol  /  gasolinapetrol / gasolina

all flavors and colors / de todos los colores y sabores
buena idea ya que disfrutamos de ellos casi para nosotros solos... justo cuando nos ibamos de Bayon, llegaban los primeros buses con turistas...

Paramos a tomar un cafe ya que yo seguia helada... una ninha intento vendernos unas pulseras 3 por $1 y lo repitio durante un buen rato... y llegaron mas ninhos usando las mismas frases, asi que le dije a Dax "es hora de irnos"... a lo que los ninhos respondieron tu compras, yo te dejo en paz... es la cosa mas horrible que un ninho me ha dicho jamas... asi que les dije que no iba a comprar nada y me podian dejar en paz ahora... increiblemente se fueron!!!

lo mejor: pedalear hasta los templos cuando no habia nadie en la carretera
lo peor: pues... la carretera!!

P.D. mi padre me ha renhido porque parece ser que no pongo suficientes fotos mias en los blogs... asi que aqui va una sobredosis!!! jaja!!!

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Photos: 22, Displayed: 22


flowers  /  floresflowers  /  flores
flowers / flores

you should see how much rubbish was behind us... / tendriais que ver cuanta basura habia detras de nosotros!!!

12th January 2009

Greetings to the longest honeymon maker at this planet
HAPPY NEW YEAR,Ein gesundes neues Jahr wuenschen euch noch etwas verspaetet eure falseter.MA+DA+LO I`m really enjoying watching your photos and reading your commens.Besides i can also learn spanisch by the way .gracias deny. For me its like beeing a bit disconnected of my little world ,where i am living now by watching your photos. t is nice seeing you travelling and exploring little by little our great planet. i am getting jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But iam wondering ,where are your own bikes guys?Have you sold it or are they got nicked by someone or have you choosen an other way of travelling? Anyway It is nice seeing you together so happy by aiming your goal. I can see you guys are far away from the global crisis,that doesnt has to bother you. Absolutly right. CARPE DIEM by now . HASTA BRONTO MARCO
14th January 2009

That road... some things never change...
Oh how I remember that road... the dust... the mud... the heat... It takes a lot more than 6 hours by bike though and we also didn't have face masks when those busloads of other travellers leave us choking.... :-)) Selamat Jalan amigos
14th January 2009

Ya estamos en Cadiz y con internet (por fin) y vosotros en un lugar que siempre soñé con conocer, pasear en solitario por esos templos tiene que ser una sensación dificil de explicar, aunque cuando volvais os voy a machacar a preguntas relacionadas con esos lugares. Espero que esteis disfrutando cada minuto. Como siempre cuidaros mucho y un beso de Family.

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