Blogs from Antarctica, Antarctica - page 42


Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 14th 2005

Hello from Antarctica! The sun has started its decent in the sky - a sign that winter is approaching. McMurdo Station has quieted down, vessel off-load is complete and the supply vessel and the icebreakers have gone home for the year leaving a large open-water channel in the ice, which has attracted some wildlife. Every day at the water’s edge there have been seals lounging, lethargically on the ice. I have been told that, due to the open water, this is one of the best times of year to see animals, but they will have to hurry as the ice is slowly freezing over again - Still no penguins. Sunday was overcast, but not too cold. I decided to spend my day-off hiking out to Williams Field, which is the main airport for ski equipped airplanes ... read more
Scott Base, Ross Island
The Presure Ridges
Williams Field

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 9th 2005

Hi Everyone, Here are two of the photos I took on a recent helicopter trip in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. I will post some more later. ... read more
Wright Valley

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 7th 2005

The past week has been a very busy one here, because of the supply vessel offload. During offload many peoples’ jobs shift to suit the needs of the station and the structure of the town changes - there are new off limits areas, the traffic and noise have greatly increased and most of the recreational activities have ceased. There are trucks and forklifts running twenty-four hours a day carrying the supplies that will be needed to run the station for the next year - food, maintenance materials, construction supplies and any thing else required for work or for fun, it all comes on the supply boat. The incessant, roaring drone of the trucks and heavy equipment, most of which are relics from the early Navy days, and the constant ‘beep, beep, beep’ of the back-up alarms ... read more
The Last Flight of the C-141
The Hungry Skua
Ob Hill After a Snow Fall

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 6th 2005

Greetings from sunny and scenic McMurdo Station, which as the locals say, is located very near to Antarctica. CHECK OUT PHOTOS 1 and 2. The US Naval Ship Paul Buck arrived at the McMurdo Ice Pier on Wednesday January 26 and began unloading 6.1 million gallons of AN-8 and JP-5 diesel fuels. (Ships, airplanes and the power plant use these fuels.) This is very good news as without the fuel, the winter population of the station would have been reduced from the current planned level of 235 people to 4 - 20. Of less consequence to Deborah and me, but of more consequence to the US Antarctic Program; all of the upcoming 2005/2006 summer science season would have been cancelled, except for that supported by Palmer Station. Fortunately this did not come to pass and we ... read more
Scenic McMurdo
Erebus Ice Tongue
Terascan Sat Photo

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 3rd 2005

My first glimpse at deep field living in Antarctica happened at Snow School 1, AKA Happy Camper School. The day started at nine in the morning, after putting a few hours of work in, when the twelve of us who were going on the training met in the field-training classroom. After discussing many things, including the dangers of a cold environment and the contents of our survival bags, we loaded into an amphibious Hagglunds, which is a snow vehicle that will float and drive across water, and began our trip out to the Ross Ice Shelf. Once there, we met at the I-hut, which stands for Instructor Hut, we ate lunch and learned about expedition planning in preparation of our night in the field. We then gathered our sleeping kits, which took a lot of teamwork ... read more
The Hagglunds
Camp and The Scott Tent
The Quinzy

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station February 1st 2005

The majority of the participants in the US Antarctic Program do not get the opportunity to leave the area directly surrounding McMurdo Station. Safety is the number one priority, which is a good thing due to the remoteness of the town, so, with the exception of scientists and a few lucky people who’s jobs take them into the field, there are virtually no ways of getting out and exploring and seeing things such as mountain tops or wildlife, unless they wander into town. To help combat the boredom and restlessness that someone with a yearning for adventure experiences when they are surrounded by an amazingly beautiful, but off-limits wilderness, the National Science Foundation has allowed a few recreational trails to be made into the surrounding hills and they occasionally offer morale trips to visit some of ... read more
The Mumified Seal
Vince's Cross
The Edge of the Sea Ice

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station January 28th 2005

McMurdo Station is the largest US research station in Antarctica. It is located on Ross Island which some consider to be the one of the most beautiful parts of the continent with large barren stretches of shelf ice and large mountain ranges rising in several directions. McMurdo was built as part of Operation Deep Freeze back in the 50’s by the Navy and was run by the Navy until recently when the National Science Foundation took over. Now McMurdo’s main purpose is as a base for many different science projects including glaciology, biology, climatology, geology… the list goes on. Also, Mac Town, as some here call it, is the main hub for logistical support for many deep field science camps and for the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, which was named after Roald Amundsen, who was the ... read more
Four Ships in the Sea Ice
The Nathanial B. Palmer
Mt. Erebus

Antarctica » Antarctica » McMurdo Station January 25th 2005

January 25th - The plane ride was very interesting. We were each given a large bagged lunch that could feed a small army and loaded on the plane men first and women second. The reasoning behind this is the bathroom the men use, which is a round curtain surrounding a large barrel with a funnel, is at the back of the plane near the cargo and the women get to use the crew bathroom up front. There are two isles with facing seats made of webbing nets and canvas over a very uncomfortable aluminum frame. We were seated facing each other with our knees interlocked like a zipper making it difficult to move to the front or back of the plane (actually difficult to move period). The plane took off on time and before we left ... read more
The Jet Way
Ivan The Terrabus
My First Step on Antarctica

This is me at Scott base camp in the Antarctic. It was just me and another guy, John, that had set out together and for six months leading up to our departure we thought we’d managed to plan for every single eventuality. We knew exactly where we were to be by what time every day and packed only a little more food than was required for the whole trip. But, true to form, the schedule went a little bit to shit to say the least. We got held up by a massive, unexpected snow storm for more days than we had allowed for, and on the way back we were running pretty low on supplies. This photo was taken two days before we returned. At that camp we met another guy who was just heading out. ... read more

Antarctica » Antarctica » Casey Station September 4th 1990

I will never get sick. I will never grow old. I will never die. ... read more

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