Canaima and Angel Falls, Venezuela

Published: October 31st 2008
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October 27 - 30, 2008

Camaina and Angel Falls, Venezuela

WOW !!!

We left Margarita Island on an early flight and flew to Puerto Ordaz and on to Canaima National Park. Alice “just loved” the small planes ! The views are spectacular in these aircraft as you fly fairly low. After a few hours and some beautiful scenery we arrived at the Canaima National Park that is home to Angel Falls ( highest in the world at about 1000 meters ).

Shortly after arrival we took a fly over flight of Angel Falls and the surrounding mountains and gorges, in a Cessena 6 seater. This was not scheduled for today but the weather was decent and we took the opportunity. This was a great ride with some spectacular, and very close up, views of these amazing falls. There are over a dozen other falls in the immediate area and the rock bluffs, rivers, savanna and mountains are unbelievable.

After our 40 minute flight we arrived back at the lodge to meet up with some 5 other folks from Europe and South America for a short boat ( 7 meter dug out canoe ) trip to get up close to a set of 3 water falls that feed a lagoon close to the lodge. We also took a 1 hour walk to the top of another falls and a wet walk ( very wet ) under and behind one of the bigger falls. Great adventure !! Amazing sight from behind the water fall. This was a very interesting day in a very beautiful place. Early to bed and early to rise.

Tuesday morning we were up at 04:30 ( this is worse than working ) for a short ride to another dugout canoe and a 3 hour adventure, up stream, to the foot of Angel Falls. Alice “just loved” the many rapids in the river and it was quite a ride to say the least. We stopped at the river edge and took a 1 ½ hour walk, all up hill, through the jungle ( 35 degrees C and about 95 % humidity ), and to a lookout spot near the base of Angel Falls. Damn near killed us, but believe us the climb was worth the views at the top. Spectacular to say the least. Words cannot describe !!!

After a short break and a swim in the pools at the bottom of the falls ( for some of the group, not us ) we made the journey back down the mountain for a hot lunch and a 2 hour ride down stream, through the rapids, but much faster, to Canaima and to some much needed cold beer and rest at the lodge. WOW !! What a great day. This is something everyone should put on their list of places to visit and things to do.

This 2 days was, for sure, one of the highlights of our whole trip !!

After our 2 day whirlwind visit to Canaima and Angel falls we flew ( in another small aircraft ) to Puerto Ordaz and on to Caracas.

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