The Great Escape

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December 4th 2014
Published: December 11th 2014
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My nephew works in the Central Business District of Brisbane, near the Brisbane River, so it seemed like a good plan to go in with him for a day and explore the area on foot. I wore my second most comfortable pair of shoes. Although I did enjoy my day, when I return (still a lot to see) my feet will NOT be settling for second best.

I headed directly for the river and very quickly realized that the "walking path" is first and foremost a cyclist that early time of morning mostly people heading off to work and slowing down for nobody, especially not camera-clicking Canucks. And while the river is picturesque from a distance, up close it is brown and smelly. I remembered, from my list trip, a lovely Botanical Garden and headed in that direction.

But hopes of adding a few dozen more photos to my fast-growing collection of exotic and unusual blooms shriveled up as I came upon this sign:

So back to the path by the river in search of some funky trees (I'll just breathe through my mouth.)

It is rather pleasant, if you manage to block out the smell.

I could no longer hold my breath, so I left the river area and headed back to the Business District. I did not take many pics, as I intend to return to this area, so much more to see. This sign did catch my I am looking for a new career orientation:

Time for a light lunch....lots of good oriental food around and I enjoyed some spring rolls and dim-sim

As the heat was finally getting to me I popped into an air-conditioned bookstore. When I saw this, I realized it time to call it a day:

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