Friday 10th May 2024

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May 10th 2024
Published: May 10th 2024
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Friday 10

May, DarwinBig4 Howard Springs, Darwin NTCost $44.75 per night with membershipRated by us 7/10Mileage 20079 travelled 0After another hot and humid night I made the call “I have had enough”, why are we putting up with this when we are not enjoying things and we can find little that we want to do particularly as we we are been restricted with the dog. Darwin is not a tourist town and even a few people on the park are having issues getting dog sitters, we have found them in abundance at other tourist towns. AS my last two attempts at gett6ing us something to do have failed I turned it over to G today and he chose The Military Museum, we visited on our last trip up here but it is worth another look and it will be cool. We set off early as we will need to find shade for Tippy as he will need to stay in the car. The museum is out on East Point Reserve and dogs are not allowed so G was panicking even more than normal, I pointed out he is not on the reserve he is in the UTE and anyways the sign only said “fines MAY be incurred”.The museum was interesting with a number of exhibits I do not remember seeing last time. Best, we got a coffee as we entered, at the cafe good start, G is really becoming a coffee holic, he wants his coffee every morning heheh.Lots of information in the museum on how women contributed to the war even in WW1. Even though they did not fight they did lots of other thinks, not least send their sons and husbands to fight whilst they ran farms, factories and packed and made bombs. Some interesting old posters recruiting women to the war effort. The army nurses uniform was a hoot with long skirts and long aprons it must have been so hot to work in. I sent a photo to Arlene (she was an army nurse once upon a time), she commented that the uniform was still around, be it with a shorter skirt, in the 1970’s for army nursing sisters.The reserve is very pretty with its views over Fannie Bay but the restrictions on what you can do are long and clear as seen on the photo of the board with its list of DO NOT’S. Looks like the exclusive end of Darwin and the residents intent to keep it that way, lots of large houses, fences, gates and high walls around this part of town.Outing over for the day back to camp to relax swim and try to stay cool, had it with this heat.

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