Homeward Bound

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August 27th 2016
Published: August 28th 2016
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Wolf Point, MTWolf Point, MTWolf Point, MT

Wheat fields for miles
We pulled out of East Glacier at 6:56 this morning, heading east on State Route 2 across Montana. It was a scenic drive with a 70 mph speed limit & very little traffic. The same railroad from East Glacier pretty much parallelled our route until we left Rt. 2. Decided to drive awhile before stopping for breakfast in Harve, MT. Scenery started with mountains, then turned to hills, then lots of wheat fields--cut & uncut, some cattle pastures, & lots of BIG hay & straw bales.

We passed through Malta, MT at 11:30. It is bigger than Malta, IL. They have a Dairy Queen! At 3:20 we stopped for lunch at Frosty's, a drive-thru in Glendive, MT. Great burgers & fries. At 3:45 we entered North Dakota. Little Missouri National Grassland & Theodore Roosevelt National Park were on our route as we zoomed across ND. Tim & Bill are convinced they saw a black bear just after we entered Theodore Roosevelt NP. No witnesses, no pictures, so we'll let them believe it was a bear. Jamestown, ND is our destination for tonight. That will make 775 miles driven today in a little over 12 hours. We are glad to be
Sentinel, MTSentinel, MTSentinel, MT

Little Missouri National Grassland
back in some warmer weather. Carolyn & I want some more summer.

Sunday evening we will be in Minneapolis/St. Paul area and by Monday evening we should all be back to our "real worlds." Will have logged nearly 5,000 miles since we left Illinois!

We talked about some of the highs & lows of our trip. I know we all have our favorites. Too much to remember, but give us a few days to reflect. We will have lots to share & memories forever. It was an awesome experience.

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31st August 2016

I have loved my vicarious vacation with you!! Thanks for all the beautiful pics and travel agent worthy commentary?

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