Day 50 August 24/14 Vicksburg, Mississippi 9930 kms

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August 24th 2014
Published: August 25th 2014
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There is so much I could write about today, but it's late and we are in bed, with much more warm and fuzzy things to do than write a blog or play fizz buzz lol! So, the highlights are:
Fantastic complicated back road route from Biloxi, through DeSoto National Forest, to Vicksburg, Mississippi

Cool forest temperatures, invigorating scents

Countryside landscapes all the way

Farms, horses, cattle, crops, tractors, rancher homes, hay bails in the fields, churches

Downed powerline across the road meant a further detour off route 29N. Brilliant

Felt like I was back home in Aby, Lincolnshire. Even rode under the "Aby railway bridge". Where are the border collies?

Thought about my sister, Joe, a lot

And more so when we passed "Hicks Road" once back on route 29. I miss you so much sometimes. See you next spring.... :-)

Slo mo Sunday drive. No traffic. No trucks. Church parking lots full

Seeing the mighty Mississippi River for the first time coming into Vicksburg

Being immersed in a small town steeped in Civil War history. Ian excited to see the army lines and grounds

Memories of our stop and history lesson in Gettysburg last summer on our cross-Canada/USA tour

Checking into the historic antebellum Anchuca House, B & B - a pre Civil War mansion

Settling into our room in the old servants quarters built 1842

Back on the bikes to ride the red and blue scenic routes through town, gaping in awe at numerous ornate, grand historic homes

Waterfront, historic downtown deserted. It is Sunday, afterall, and all shops and restaurants closed

Riding the residential blocks around the B & B

Waving to EVERY family sitting on their porches in the late afternoon heat of the day

Stopping on one street so that a dozen young African American kids playing on the street could come and touch the bikes, fistpumping each of them as I said goodbye

Waving to everyone else walking, driving, playing basketball

Such a friendly, happy, inviting town

Wish we had more time here to take in the Vicksburg Military museum and war grounds

History lesson for you: Vicksburg was the stronghold of the south, defeated by Ulysses Grant's army of the north, whereupon the south joined the Union of the States, 20,000 casualties here, largest civil war graveyard in the US

Challenging city streets, typically cambered the opposite direction to which we were turning, steep, tight corners, red paving stone surfaces, slippery, potholes, gravel, rail tracks. Superb practice, would be a perfect town to learn to ride a bike. Almost a drop

Trying deep fried Okra, fried catfish, black eyed peas, and hushpuppies for dinner

Cooling off twice in the B & B pool

Running away amid screeches from black crickets swarming the pool tonight and landing repeatedly on Ian's head while he was in the water

Looking forward to a Southern hot breakfast tomorrow, tour of this mansion, and pre-breakfast stroll to shoot additional photos before hitting the road

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 23


25th August 2014

Great place for meditation. Enjoy the trip.

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