
Published: July 28th 2016
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As we drove the coast road from Tallahassee passing through two states Alabama and Mississippi we knew that we would spend more time in these places but for now we were New Orleans bound. As we drew closer to New Orleans we could see the oil rigs out at sea and the Gulf how vulnerable the coast line was along these coastal towns. We saw vacant blocks of beach front properties. With a drive that leads nowhere, a house that once stood and that had been destroyed by hurricanes which torment this part of the world. People have rebuilt wonderful new homes, but have raised them high on piers , just to give extra protection from raising tides.Beaches were full with family's having fun. Entering New Orleans that is protected by levies that try and protect the city from floods. From the area we entered we saw no trace of the devastation from Katrina over 10 years ago. Though we heard that there are still parts of the city where its never been rebuilt. We saw the Super Bowl, were many thousands of people sheltered and lived for many months. But New Orleans was everything I expected. From the French Quarter to the surrounding suburbs and the opulent streets of the well to do. We stayed a little way out of town as we didn't know what to expect as New Orleans is well known for it music and party nights and it was the 4th of July. We were so excited to listen to the music and eat the creole food and visit so many places we had seen on movies.New Orleans has always interested me, we drove in to the city and walked down by the Mississippi River and looked at the steam paddle boats, it's such a huge river and the huge iron bridge that spans the river. We went to the French markets and then into The French quarter some of the streets small and homes are hidden behind tall clay brick walls which intrigue you of what lays behind. As you get nearer the streets were everyone comes to visit, to enjoy the Jazz and the cigars you start to smell Bourbon street the most famous street of them all. Bars lure the tourist in with the music and the entertainment fills the air. Everyone was preparing for the 4th of July Fireworks and festivities. The
New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana

Houses of New Orleans
famous soft shell crabs and crawfish, all seafood that are cooked in a marvellous creole sauce. Gumbo, Jambalaya, Boudin spicy food corn bread and the famous Praline with you can sample in all flavours chocolate and chilly nut we had so much fun sampling those.That night we watched the 4th of July fireworks from the levy back near our hotel and walked home without the crowds. The next day we drove half way to the city and caught the old style Trolley car into the city. As we drove down the famous Charles street we saw the opulent homes of the rich and famous apparently Beyonće and J-zee own a home along this road. The road is about 13 miles of beautiful leafed and manicured gardens and lawns. There are four Trolley car routes which take you to different parts of the city different and interesting parts of the city. The historic cemetery's which are so fascinating, the city is so interesting as well as the high end department shops and stores. We filled each day with interesting sights and then we travelled through Louisiana passing Plantations from the old south. Some of these places have become 5 star hotels.We headed to Lake Charles so we could travel The Creole Nature Park we enjoyed having the road to ourself calling into areas that have Alligators and other wildlife. We travelled along the Gulf coast and even went over the state boarder to Texas. We spent a couple of days travelling around Louisiana enjoying the south and the Louisiana hospitality. We enjoyed this state very much, real down to earth people we thought.

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Photos: 38, Displayed: 24


New Orleans, LouisianaNew Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Bourbon Street
New OrleansNew Orleans
New Orleans

Trolley Cars
New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Hotels of the French Quarter
New Orleans, LouisianaNew Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Mississipi River
New Orleans, LouisianaNew Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Algiers Bridge,

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