Two Weeks in Anaheim with Will and Renee'

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November 4th 2013
Published: November 4th 2013
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Views on the way to Los Angeles through the orchard country
We got into Anaheim Monday, October 14 and checked into the Anaheim Resort RV Park a short 5 minute drive from Disney Land. We could see the Matterhorn mountain ride and the fireworks at night from our site. After setting up camp we met Will and Renee' at a BBQ place in LA and watched football and baseball games. Then we went over to their place to see Will on the Young and the Restless. Great job Will.

Tuesday was a day of rest and relaxation. On Wednesday the 16th we helped Renee' and Will celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary at Yamashiro an old renovated mansion in the hills with Japanese gardens and amazing views of the city.

Thursday Disney Land!!!! As someone put it, "we were like kids in a candy shop". We purchased a 3 day pass so we took our time enjoying the park at a slow and relaxed pace. We left in the afternoon for a rest and returned later that evening for the parade. It was so exciting to hear all the familiar songs as each float passed by with the main character waving to the crowd and dancers guiding the way.

Field of squash

We went to Los Angeles Saturday to see Will's reading in a play, then movie and a dinner. We stayed the night with them. Sunday Renee' and I went to help with her friends son's birthday party. It was so fun to watch the children's faces as they were entertained by a pirate playing games and performing magic tricks.

Monday the 21st we drove to Acton to check out another RV park, and decided to stick to the Anaheim area when visiting LA. Renee' and Will came over to dinner Wednesday and checked out our "home on the road".

Round two of Disney Land the next day to finish Fantasy Land. Then over to Disney California Adventure a park that wasn't here the last time we came over 20 years ago. That day included a ride on the Matterhorn which brought back the memory of when we came in 1982, Renee' was two and in a stroller we all wanted to ride together, but she was too young of course so one of the attendants offered to watch her while we rode. I can't imagine that happening today. We enjoyed the new park which had a great log ride we got soaked on, a section that looked like a Coney Island park, the Tower of Terror which reminded me of my least favorite ride "free falling'. We closed out the night in Cars Land and the last ride had a wait of over an hour, so Pat and I went in the single rider lane that took less than 15 minutes. We ended up in the same car with a family of four.

Friday we packed up and headed to Will and Renee's for the weekend and then a trip to Big Bear. Saturday we went to their friends house for Pumpkin Carving and treated the group to hotdogs, and carmel apples. Sunday we were off to Big Bear a beautiful drive on a winding road. We no sooner got there Will found out he needed to head back for a Call Back, and needed to leave right after dinner due to a snow storm headed our way. Pat, Renee' and I had a cozy, relaxing day by the fire Monday watching the fog roll in over the lake and then the sleet and light snow fall. The dogs were so funny in the snow, Zeke loved it and roamed all in it, Leisel on the other hand found dry land under the eaves.

Reluctantly, we left our lake view hideaway, but vowed to be back. It was a perfect cabin for the family, and only two hours away from Los Angeles. We dropped Renee' off and said our goodbyes, looking forward to being back with them for Christmas and New Years. We had such a great time being a part of their day to day lives and celebrations with their friends.

Halloween we headed to Tucson, to spend 6 weeks at Lazydays RV Park the sister park to the place we bought the RV in Florida. We have repairs and maintenance scheduled while we are here, get together with friends we met when we lived here 25 yeas ago, new friends we met on our Alaska trip arrive today, this weekend a trip to Phoenix to attend a Texan game with friends that live there are all on the agenda.

Additional photos below
Photos: 68, Displayed: 25



Hello LA 2:00 trafic on the 101

Getting ready for Christmas! Have we had Halloween?

Will and Renee's 9th wedding Anniversary

View from the Yamashiro Restaurant for the anniversary.

Cast from Will's reading

Fall campsite in Anaheim.

Disney Land fireworks from our campsite

October at Disney Land

Selfie on the Jungle Cruise

Hands up on Splash Mountain!!

We loved all the Halloween decorations especially at the Haunted Mansion

Sleeping Beauty's Castle

Full moon over Tomorrow Land

6th November 2013

Great pic Glad you are having a great time
8th November 2013

The RV in LA traffic?? Dad, you are definitely an expert now.
8th November 2013

That place sounds really cool! Great pic
8th November 2013

The garland looks great ;)
8th November 2013

This is one of my fave pics, too cute!
8th November 2013

Mom, you look like you're having a blast, but Dad does look a little tight lol
8th November 2013

Big Papa lol
8th November 2013

That is so cute!!
8th November 2013

Cool panorama, great shot
8th November 2013

Cool panorama, great shot

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