Raining Cats and Dogs but Sunny Eventually

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April 13th 2016
Published: April 13th 2016
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April 10:

Rainy day but we got a few things done in the morning, then we went to Kingman for some more materials for the utility shelter. It poured cats and dogs in Kingman. It was our first ever monsoon. Water was gushing over the road, in places 30 cm or 1 foot deep. We went to Walmart for a couple of floor mats and a lantern for more light. We went to Home Depot for some sheathing and other building material, and then stopped at Baskin Robin’s for ice cream. So yummy! Lewis texted and invited us over for homemade soup, so we didn't have to make dinner. We came home after dark. The weather was beginning to clear up

April 11:

Slept in until 8:30 am. Had coffee and pancakes and eggs. Worked on a few things on the adobe, then went into town for some lunch. Invited Lewis along. Went grocery shopping and also picked up water in the big tank. Slim stopped by just after we were done supper. He had seen some unfamiliar person walking on our road and he is part of neighborhood watch, so he zoomed around on his quad to see who it was. Very quiet evening. Had a delicious stew for dinner and wine. Earlier at Canyon Cafe I had a meatloaf special. Jan had a salad and Lewis had mashed potatoes and gravy.

April 12:

Had a good sleep, and was up by 7 am. Had toast and oatmeal for breakfast. Jan had toast and cheese whiz. I got the metal roof and metal siding on the utility shelter. I put up shelves for storage also. It was mostly sunny and no rain. Yay! Lewis came for a visit. We did not venture anywhere today. Stayed home all day. It got up to 25 C, 77 F. Jan made a nice pasta casserole for supper. I stretched out in the hammock and had a beer. I had a shower and Jan had a bath. Then we relaxed. I played guitar for awhile. Ohhh...our new composting toilet is now installed. Everything stayed up past 10 pm. Jim called. He is taking the train at midnight to head back to New York state.

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