Mexico City: National Museum of Anthropology

Published: June 23rd 2023
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The National Museum of Anthropology is the largest and most visited museum in Mexico. The museum contains significant archaeological and anthropological artifacts from Mexico's pre-Columbian heritage covering civilizations located on the current territory of Mexico as well as in former Mexican territory in what is today the southwestern United States. This is the spot to visit if you have any interest in pre-Columbian Mexico history; it is magnificent and it is an all day affair.

If you are a seasoned museum aficionado as I am you may think that you will not need a full day to appreciate the National Museum of Anthropology but you would be wrong. Do not consider trying to squeeze in anything else that day during opening hours; if you need one full day for any site in Mexico City this is the one. There is also a fantastic restaurant on site (highly recommended) with several vegetarian options (and mescal!) so you will be set for lunch.

You may only get through the first floor, which is in itself an accomplishment, but if you have time there's a second floor showcasing the culture of the native population of Mexico since the Spanish colonization.

is also the option for an hour-long English language tour which I highly recommend. It will cover some of the highlights and give you context for your explorations through the museum and throughout Mexico. It's not only about gaining a better appreciation for the history and culture of pre-Columbian Mexico but also a useful trip planning museum; if you find yourself enthralled by artifacts from a certain region then you can consider visiting that area the next time you're in the country.

Additional photos below
Photos: 139, Displayed: 23


Obsidian Monkey VesselObsidian Monkey Vessel
Obsidian Monkey Vessel

Masterpiece of obsidian stoneworkers from Texcoco.

Hummingbird GobletHummingbird Goblet
Hummingbird Goblet

One of the great masterpieces of Mixtec ceramic art.

26th June 2023

Impressive photos! Great eats!
18th July 2023

So cute!
I love this little guy!
18th July 2023
Sun Stone (Aztec calendar stone)

That's amazing!!

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