Terrifying toilets, shrieking showers and apologies to Longfellow

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October 29th 2019
Published: October 29th 2019
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“A youth, who bore, ‘mid snow and ice, a banner with the strange device, Excelsior!”

Excelsior, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

October 29. Classy start, huh? We certainly began in snow and ice – so, sorry, Edmonton – even if no one is likely to mistake me for a youth. Except maybe in a raging blizzard. And as for boring . . . Hm.

Strange devices was yesterday’s non-weather theme, enough strange devices yesterday to justify the rest of the quote (and, yes, I know that “device” in the poem refers to what is displayed on a banner, but where’s the pun, er, fun in that?).

First, the airplane was delayed for almost a full hour for “maintenance issues.” Something they did not bother to to tell those poor eager sods who chose to stand in line for almost all that time, waiting for the boarding call. Then there was my cell phone which was kind enough to inform me that the flight would be delayed.

An hour after we landed in Montreal. Good to know.

Then there is the wired hotel room. Motion-activated Floor lights which go on when you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Great idea! But don’t go back off when you get back into bed. Unless you get up and turn them off manually. And then get back into bed. Which triggers the motion sensors. Turning on the lights. Which you need anyway because you can’t see the control panel without them. To turn them off again.

And then get back into bed. Which – yeah, you guessed it. By the time we finally got them off, I had the giggles.

Suitable to the Halloween, we also have the haunted toilet and the roaring monster disguised as a steam shower.

Stories which will come your way, with pictures!, when we are safely ensconced at the airport lounge this afternoon. Now we have to go out and buy those items we (er, I) forgot to pack.




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