
Published: August 30th 2023
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On a rainy day
The weather has not been cooperating. We did have a sunny day but it was a sea day. Those who went ashore returned chilled and wet. Needless to say I wasn’t one of them. When I first started cruising I wanted to explore every port. Now i’m content to relax on board and enjoy sharing meals with other guests. Have been blessed so far. Such fun people.

Last night I dined with Peter and Denise from Perth. They are on a eighty nine day odyssey and this is just a small segment. From Montréal the are driving to Toronto and a family reunion, then on to Vancouver. From there they are sailing to Sydney with stops in Hawaii, Polynesia and islands in the South Pacific. After a flight from Sydney to Perth they arrive home at the end of October just in time for spring. What an adventure.

Two nights ago I discovered the piano bar. Ely is a talented pianist and an enthusiastic performer. That night he sang songs from the fifties, sixties and seventies. At dinner the next night I was seated with Marilyn from Mississippi. I recognized her
St. JohnSt. JohnSt. John

On a foggy day
from the piano bar. We chatted and last night she saved a seat for me in a packed room. We enjoyed three sets; Elvis, Broadway show tunes and music from the movies. All the people in Marilyn’s little corner know the words to most of the songs and sing along with gusto.

So what do I care what the weather is. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain

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Lot’s of lighthouses.

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