Day 10 - Kouchibogouac to Prince Edward Island

Published: August 8th 2017
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Kouchibogouac to PEI

Today is New Brunswick Day (the first Monday in August) which is a day off for many. We aren’t really sure what NB day is – but discovered that everywhere in Canada has this day as a holiday – some call it Civic Day, others after their province, one after a person. Canada Day is July 1, so this isn’t their national independence day, but as it is the same date nationwide it can’t be a province anniversary. So, just a day set aside to celebrate your province! But they were handing out Canada 150 flags – celebrating Canada’s 150th

We started with a walk of the bog in Kouchi, which included a tower to view the area. We hoped to see moose, but didn’t. We went to Callander’s Beach and visited the Migmag wigwams.

To celebrate NB day, there was live music, cake and games at our next stop, Kelly’s Beach. We enjoyed some cake and listened to music and the kids blew bubbles and played a while. Afterward we spent the afternoon on the beach. To get to the beach you have to walk a 1.2 km boardwalk across a lagoon and sand dunes. We built a sand castle on a sand bar and the kids swam a little. The water was freezing (51*F). We watched our castle get destroyed as the tide came in.

We returned to Callander’s for dinner – Max was a good Samaritan and found a baby’s soother (pacifier). We drove from Kouchibouguac to PEI in the evening. It was cool to drive over the Confederation Bridge – about 8 miles long – that connected the mainland Canada to PEI. It was challenging to find the campground as we got on the island around 9 and the roads were dark. We saw two red foxes as we drove into the campground!

We learned that New Brunswick is the only bilingual province in Canada. Everyone greeted us at Kouchi with “bonjour/hello” and when we responded hello they spoke English. All signs were in both languages. We heard a lot of French in NB, more at Kouchi than Fundy.

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12th August 2017

Names I cannot pronounce!
Hi Morschers! It seems you all are having a fun and interesting trip--to many places I cannot even pronounce! I hope someday I can get to Nova Scotia and PEI...very cool. Can't wait to hear more and see some pictures. Loved the pic of Rick's funny hat-tan-line! Have more fun...
12th August 2017

Names I cannot pronounce!
Hi Morschers! It seems you all are having a fun and interesting trip--to many places I cannot even pronounce! I hope someday I can get to Nova Scotia and PEI...very cool. Can't wait to hear more and see some pictures. Loved the pic of Rick's funny hat-tan-line! Have more fun...

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