Across the Gulf of Saint Lawrence

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June 13th 2017
Published: June 21st 2017
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It used to be that our transitions from one culture to another were buffered by leisurely days at sea. It happened to me today, a step back in time thanks to the obligatory 6 hour ferry crossing to the mainland. One has time to think. Both are Canada, but Nova Scotia is very different to Newfoundland. Yes, the climate is warmer and the infrastructure is more developed in Nova Scotia, but it is more than that. Newfoundland is somehow still coming to grips with itself, the shift out of cod fishing, the withdrawal from the lonely outports along the coast, joining Canada, wrestling with Quebec, developing a tourist industry, the special English, the half hour time difference. Nova Scotia has been settled and Canadian since the early days. Yes, the Acadian French are mixed in with the Scotch and the Irish and the other waves of immigration, but there is a stability and normalcy to the farms along the way, and the port at Sydney, or Halifax.

My hotel was quaint and ancient, my dinner was lobster, and the sunset was astounding. Can things get any better?

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23rd June 2017

Winding down a wonderful non-adventure
As always, I love your photos and commentary. Very timely, as I just finished reading "As Told at the Explorers Club" which included (literally) chilling tales of Arctic exploration. Several writers referenced a quote by Canadian arctic explorer and ethnologist Stefansson that seems highly relevant to your life: "An adventure is a sign of incompetence.... If everything is well managed, if there are no miscalculations or mistakes, then the things that happen are only the things you expected to happen, for which you are ready and with you can therefore deal." It seems you're finishing up another wonderful trip with no unfortunate "adventures" to mar the journey!

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