Sydney NS Special Blog May 14/13 at the Lobster Pound & Moore Smokehouse Grill

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May 16th 2013
Published: May 17th 2013
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This blog is dedicated to Richard Moore and his wife Leslie Wilson, Owners of and Chef at Lobster Pound & Moore Smokehouse Grill in Sydney, Nova Scotia.

Our Heritage House on the Hill B & B hostess, Wanna, recommended this restaurant for dinner and called to make us a reservation but she got the answerphone. Instead we walked the 5 minutes from the B & B to the grill at 7:30 pm and were welcomed and seated in this very unique, bistro style cozy establishment.

We ordered some house wine and were about to peruse the menu when the chef came to our table and introduced himself, told us we were the last table of the evening as they closed at 8 pm, but we could absolutely stay until 11 pm as they would be there that late. Without any further ado, he asked us what we felt like. I said something "local", to which he responded I haven't heard anyone ask for local for a long time. He then asked how much we wanted to spend, telling us with a sparkle in his eye that $5 will get you a starter, $10 a bigger starter, $100 gets you anything you want. We suggested $50, and he promised us a platter of local seafood that would not disappoint.

Of course, the one night I don't take either my camera or iphone out with me is the one time I should have, because I know that when I describe what arrived at our table, you won't quite believe me. For $50, we got, on a large square 16" platter:

1 female lobster, cold, with roe, in centre of platter. She alone must have contained 1 lb of meat

1 male lobster, warm, cut in half and placed each side of the female

2 8oz pieces of halibut, grilled

2 6oz pieces of house-smoked salmon

All on a bed of sauteed vegetables and accompanied with housemade smoked chutney

Oh and a bowl full of smashed yukon golds, steamed rice, and another bowl full of frites

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING US RIGHT? WE CAN'T EAT ALL THAT! (Apparently yes you can if spread out over 3 hours).

Just as I was thinking those exact words, Richard reappeared and asked if everything looked OK. What on earth do you say back? We were gobsmacked, and the only words we could find were Thank You, you have made our evening. We later went on to tell him that he had provided a highlight of our trip thus far. The food was the best seafood we have ever eaten, the frites and potatoes absolutely perfect, and the ambience so relaxing and comfortable, that indeed we didn't leave until close to 11 pm after another round of wine.

Richard didn't leave our table for the rest of the evening, and entertained us with stories of his time in Vancouver where he cooked for many celebrities, hockey players, Don Cherry, politicians and on and on. In Vancouver he met his wife Leslie, and they returned to Sydney NS a couple of years ago to fulfill their dream of opening an open concept kitchen eatery in his hometown.

They don't have a website, but they do have a facebook page. Phone is (902) 794-2992, email

They both have huge hearts, genuine warmth and kindness, which we are beginning to see in all of the people we have met in the maritimes so far. A great deal of their business comes from word of mouth, and I wish I had the means to advertise him in Victoria to anyone visiting Sydney. Do not pass through this town without making a reservation for dinner at this incredible grillhouse. Who these days does most of the renovation work themselves? Richard and Leslie did, such as making their bar counter from butcher block that someone was going to send to the dump; handcrafting all the tables in the restaurant; painting; installing tea plant leaf floors; "recycling" an injured 13 pound lobster that wasn't going to live by removing all the meat with dremel tools in conjunction with a lighthanded touch so as not to crack any part of the shell, to cleaning it, to having his sister, Laura Moore, a local artist, paint the shell, seal it and mount it into a frame for a prominent wall in the restaurant; to building an open kitchen visible from most seats in the house; to framed art designed by Laura on the walls, to native art that Richard procured during his time in the Haida G'Waii. All I can say is well done - this is why you are successful, and your food is testament to the many awards you have won over the years.



17th May 2013

Wow, what a meal! I doubt that I could have eaten all that in a week. I hope that the platter was between the two of you. I had lobster on Prince Edward island, and customers were given huge bibs to wear It was quite an experience, but nothing compared with yours. I am delighted that you are having so many wonderful highlights since you reached Ottawa. Love you, Mum
18th May 2013

oh... now this sounds like a night to be savoured.

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