Last Blog from Nova Scotia / Newfoundland

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September 6th 2016
Published: September 7th 2016
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Hi, All --

We've been home since before July and here it is early September. Clearly I've been stretching out these blogs -- but I didn't want to over-blog anyone.

The first photos are of the major cemetery for the victims of the Titanic, which is in the outskirts of Halifax. It was a cloudy day and the place felt sad. So many children . . .

Most of the rest of the photos were taken around Mahone Bay and Lunenburg which are on the southeastern shore of Nova Scotia about 2/3 of the way down the lower half.

The orangey sign was in a small museum in Mahone Bay and has information about what the "freight" (a person) was allotted during the three month journey, from 1750 - 1752, on a ship from Rotterdam to Halifax. The "freight" was primarily from Germany and most ended up living in Mahone Bay. That daily gallon of beer allotment must have helped a lot. If you double click on the photo of the sign, you might be able to read it. Or click on CTRL & + to enlarge it. It's interesting.

The last three photos were taken during our sail on the Bluenose II on a very windy day. It was a great sail! Here's a good site on the Bluenose II --

This is the last of our blogs from this year's trip. We're enjoying our life in Maine so much, we're not sure we'll be taking a trip next year. But maybe some photos of Maine might show up . . .

We hope you're all well.

Best wishes,

Paula & Bob

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


child's markerchild's marker
child's marker

Apparently the child was identified after the stone was cut . . .
grave markergrave marker
grave marker

This seems a bit judgmental.
 pink house pink house
pink house

Even with all the various colors used on the houses in NS, pink is unusual.

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