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August 24th 2005
Published: September 4th 2005
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While killing a little bit of time waiting for our gracious hosts, Trevor and Nancy, to collect us from the bus station, we ventured into the Halifax Maritime Museum on the harbour front. Ordinarily this kind of thing doesn't really float our boats (ah ha ha) but it was actually a very interesting museum. There were a number of interesting exhibits on things such as the Titanic, the Halifax Explosion, and solo sailing around the globe.

That first night Trev and Nancy's dog, Bow, decided that Nic's smelly thongs (and that's the Australian version of thongs) would make a tasty treat so we spent the next day touring Halifax's shops in order to find a replacement pair.

Street fight
Later that night we joined a few of Trev and Nancy's friends and went a-drinking in town. On the way to the Economy Shoe Shop (a bar) Dave and the boys were besieged by two punky young Nova Scotians. Calm heads prevailed, and after a couple of pushes and a bin being thrown the youths left as quickly as they came. Fortunately all were fine, well until the morning when we were besieged again by a killer hangover.

We spent the afternoon recovering on the beach with Nancy, Tamsin, and their two dogs, Bow and Dune. Just lovely.

We'll just take a minute to say a BIG THANKYOU to Nancy and Trevor for such amazing hospitality. If anyone can believe this, they gave us their bed for our stay as they thought it would be more convienient. If anyone knows hosts as nice as this, give us a holler and we'll begin to plan our next journey (we won't be holding our breath hey).

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