East Coast Greetings

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July 24th 2005
Published: July 24th 2005
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Hi folks.
Thanks for your e-mails and for your best wishes. I'm sorry I could not make an entry earlier. I could have gone hunting for an "Internet Cafe" at some of the stop-over cities; but the destinations were just to exciting (and I did not have that much time to waste).
The first major stop was in Winnipeg. I had 45 minutes to check out the Fork's market, while a crew change was underway on the train. I was able to see the new footbridge that connects the French quarter to the rest of the city (I cannot remember the name now; but I will check for more info when I return). There is a restaurant/cafe at the centre of the bridge ...
We studied the site briefly in one of my urban/architecture studies seminars. Of course, the big question at the time was, "why is it taking so long to find a tenant for the restaurant space? Why is the bridge having trouble attracting local residents? Do the challenges facing the site have anything to do with the historic grievances between the French and the English in the area?" Answering these questions (or even knowing which rhetorical questions to ask) proved difficult for us "Calgarians" in the class. The structure was too new. We only had our "scholarly imaginations" to work with.
After talking to a group of Francophone Winnipeggers on the train, I had my answer. Many local and international bidders were interested in the space. However, the city wanted to take its time, and find a tenant who could offer affordable meals and a casual atmosphere. The site was too important to be an "exclusive" destination. The bridge was supposed to be a tribute to Louis Riel, and a symbolic gesture of reconciliation -- a place were the peoples on "both sides" of the river might meet each other "half-way". The city was not interested in another tourist trap for wealthy visitors. The answer was so simple.
Well. I'm in Halifax, and I am talking about Winnipeg. I guess it is catch-up time for the moment, as I fill in the gaps of my Travel-blog. --*I'm not a blogger, really 😊 *-- In future posts, I will tell you about my experience in Toronto and Montreal. Finally, I will tell you about my stay in Halifax. By the time I start taking about the East Coast, I hope that I will still be here -- and not somewhere else, like Kingston!


24th July 2005

So much to see & do ... so little time!!
I knew you would get into some intellectual discussions.... long train trips do that to people. Were the meals good too? Did you get much sleep?? How's the U/W lasting???? See you in a week or so!! Beth
24th July 2005

July 24
You know how to appreciate your travels already, with that little sorty about the restaurant in Winnipeg. There must be more to the story. You will be able to write a book. We will really have a talking visit when you reach here. I have lots of questions. Keep well,.
24th July 2005

Great to hear from you
It is great to hear from you. Hope you are having a wonderful time and seeing lots of interesting things. Now you know how big this country really is! Have fun!
24th July 2005

Winnipeg story!
Great story about the tenant for the restaurant on the new footbridge in Winnipeg. Looking forward to hearing your stories about Toronto and Montreal. You are a great storyteller, Everett. I hope you are taking lots of pictures, too.
27th July 2005

learning travel blogs
I have finally figured out how to get my comments in the correct section :) comments on this page ended up on page 1

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