Going, going, Ghana!

Published: May 4th 2010
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Hey folks!

I know I haven't kept up with my blog as much as I would have liked, but it's too late now! I'm leaving tomorrow at 5pm out of Fredericton and flying to Toronto, on to Amsterdam and then lastly to Accra. I promise to try my hardest to keep you updated as much as possible, if not, I'll be keeping a journal to fill you in on my return. I love you all, you have no idea what your support means to me!

Much love,


4th May 2010

To Kate!
"When there are no words... know that the silences are carrying the thoughts and prayers of all who love you." -Dawn Dais I may have shared this quote with you before but I think it's a good reminder. Especially on a day like today. When you are out under the African stars and nothing but silence surrounds you, remember how much you are loved by everyone who knows you. We'll be thinking of you!
5th May 2010

Safe travels!
Hi Kate, as I write this I assume you are probably nearing Toronto now and soon will be on to the next leg of your journey. I just want to wish you all the best and I am looking forward to checking your blog during the next 3 and a half months. What an amazing opportunity you have and I just know you will make the most of it. I will be especially interested in hearing about your teaching experiences! Take care! Debbie Hatt

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