The Fearsome Foursome

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February 15th 2010
Published: February 15th 2010
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Today we were total tourists!!!! No Olympic events to attend so we explored and enjoyed Vancouver. Our Condo is 10 minutes from BC Place, where the Opening Ceremony was held and just 10 minutes from the Olympic Cauldron which lights up the harbor. We are just 100 yards from the waterfront where you can board little tiny ferry boats that hold only 10 people to go over to Grandville Island. Vancouver is surrounded by water and beautiful mountains. It looks like a picture postcard in every direction that you look. The city is full of street perfomers and all kinds of special programs and events all day and is capped-off each night by a fabulous fireworks display.

Half the fun of being here is meeting people from all over the world. We started out the morning by attending Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral where the diverse population was apparent. The spirit of friendship is evident everywhere. Today we met people from Ireland, Afghanistan, India and Finland . Everyone seems eager to talk and share stories and advice and DIRECTIONS!!!! Tonight we stayed in and watched the Pair Skating in our PJs and ate pizza. What. . . . we can't live in the "fast lane" all the time. We love getting your comments, keep them coming remember to sign your name. . . . . .more tomorrow.


15th February 2010

It sounds like a fantastic time. I am a bit jealous but I'm a big girl and I will get over it. Stay dry, safe and have a great time.
15th February 2010

Vancouver girls.
It looks like you are doing it up right! Love the photos and commentary. Wish I was there with you.
15th February 2010

Good for You
It is so nice to have these events relative to time here. I keep looking for your faces and haven't spotted you anywhere yet. I hope the rest of the trip is good weather and no more rain. It looks so beautiful there. Mary Fowler
15th February 2010

PJs & pizza
You deserve to relax after the day you spent in the rain. You got to see 2 Americans win medals. What's on for today? Susan
15th February 2010

Sounds like a thrill of a lifetime! Can't wait to hear more........
15th February 2010

I'm loving your blog!
I have never been so excited about the Olympics as this one. I feel that I'm sharing the experience with all of you and love seeing things through your eyes. Keep having fun and keep sending pictures especially of the four of you.
15th February 2010

keep the blogs coming!
Hi MaryCatherine! I love reading your blogs. PJ's and pizza sounds fun! What an experience you are having! You look fabulous by the way in the previous photo. Can't wait to read the next installment! I'm living vicariously through you! Ro
16th February 2010

Hello to all -- sounds like you had a great day. Thought the four of you would appreciate this -- not everyone gets mention in Father Sweany's column -- but this is a paragraph that he is putting in on the 21st "We do have four parishioners at the Olympics who have a blog so I have been keeping up on what goes on there. At least I am keeping up on what they want me to know." He is so cool -- but we know who he is talking about!! Tell Susie that I put her article in with BIG PRINT FOR THE CONCERT HEADING. See you guys -- love the updates on your travels. Jane
17th February 2010

Love those updates!
Hey there Vancouver girls! Love the photos and the updates. we keep searching the crowds for you-will watch the women's downhill, and the crowds. Have a blast!
20th February 2010

It seems that by the majority of the comments, most people are suspecting Miss Brooks. I am going to have to go with that, being in her 4th grade class. That is not a bad thing. We are having fun checking out your blog during science except today when we had a test. Wish I could be there! Stay warm! Alley Keresztesy

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