Calgary Parklands - Rotary Park

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March 3rd 2022
Published: November 21st 2022
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Rime frost  Rime frost  Rime frost

Dancing in black and white
The morning news meteorologist made a big deal of explaining the difference between rime frost (when it’s foggy) and hoar frost (when it’s clear). I had new icers to test. A short walk to Rotary Park seemed perfect.

The park is high on the escarpment overlooking the Bow River and the skyscrapers of downtown. The planted deciduous trees gleamed with beautiful crystals suspended on sculptural dark trunks and branches. One majestic tree spread so wide it diminished the majestic Bow building downtown. Graceful ornamental cherry trees were dressed in frost that mimicked their spring garb of pale pink blooms. Past the forlorn tennis club, weeping willows still with their seed pods were elegantly draped in sparkling jewels. Only the evergreens disdained the cloak of rime frost, keeping their own distinctiveness lightly sprinkled with icing sugar.

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21st November 2022

:-) "Icers" are, I presume, strap-on cleats? You're right - they're essential to walking safely in many winter conditions. From first snow to last thaw, our neighbourhood walkways are a treacherous expanse of bare asphalt, obvious ice, and black ice. Your photos do more than justice to the March scenery, and it's good to know about rime frost (new to me).
28th November 2022

Rime Frost
The definition of rime frost was certainly a lesson for me. And icers are indeed strap-on cleats. I have to find mine for this winter!

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