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October 1st 2006
Published: October 1st 2006
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Dallas, Scotland!Dallas, Scotland!Dallas, Scotland!

Can you believe it?!!? No reunion tower, though...
The Traveler

When you have communicated without using words,
When you have been invited into a stranger's home,
When you have found that "different" is not synonomous with "bad"
When you have found that people everywhere have the same fears, concerns, and joys that you do,
When you find more similarities than differences between cultures...

Then you have discovered the true difference between world traveler and tourist.

Looking back at our past week in Scotland, I have inadvertently received Scottish and English History 101. To rhythmically oversimplify:

Many many kings died,
Castles were built, witches were tried,
A king named James said, "Lets get together!"
So Scotland and England were tied forever.

Men in kilts tried to stand,
But Red Coats came and took their land,
This explains families in America named McDonald,
(But not the red-headed posterchild Ronald.)

A priest looked out over a lake,
A monster he saw-it was no mistake,
Now thousands of tourists come to see,
The swimming ancient called Nessie.

Today its mostly golf, whiskey, and hills,
However this beautiful land doesnt take
Ruthven BarracksRuthven BarracksRuthven Barracks

The site of the Wolf of Bardoch's old castle...before the devil turned him into ash...
It delights in using the British pound sterling,
Pay in pounds to see the Highland Games and curling.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


At the shores of Loch NessAt the shores of Loch Ness
At the shores of Loch Ness

Steve the Monster Hunter's "home"
WW2 bunkersWW2 bunkers
WW2 bunkers

To ward off the Germans if they ever made it to Scotland...creepy
Another pair of amazing hosts!Another pair of amazing hosts!
Another pair of amazing hosts!

Here are our hosts at the top of the mountain!
Whiskey Distillery!Whiskey Distillery!
Whiskey Distillery!

I only liked the whiskey ice cream with oatmeal

1st October 2006

I bet when you saw that sign of "Dallas" your jaw dropped! When I was in Europe this summer any time I would see something that was remotely familiar I would have to run over and take a picture with it! Hehe, funny how our mind works. :) The photo of you and Adam on the arch "mini hike" is such a GREAT PHOTO!!! Keep it for a lifetime! You are very lucky you have someone like him to share this incredible expirience with. Sometimes when you are traveling, the person you are sharing your time and space with can make/break your journey! Hugs and Love, Stephanie Perry
1st October 2006

Hi Rachel - You will find that the further you go and the longer you travel that there are no strangers - just friends you have yet to meet. And why did you not send pictures of NESSIE??? Where to next? We are truly enjoying following your adventures. Keep posting those blogs! Love - Nancy
1st October 2006

im so glad that you are truly a traveler instead of a tourist....it makes the trip much more pleasurable and you really get to know your surroudings! your poem made me laugh and english/scot history is pretty cool!
2nd October 2006

Loved the poem and the pictures! We're following you all the way. Best to Adam. You two look happy. John called Saturday night late. He's boarding a bus at their base camp this morning (Monday) for an hour and a half bus ride to a ship which they will sail on for 8 hours to their point of embarkation with sea kayaks. Then its 28 days in the boats, a meeting at "rendezvous" to pick up their mountain gear and another 28 days in the mountains. He is with the mixed group (5 girls and 11 guys). All our love...
3rd March 2007

Nice Poem
Ha! Loved the Poem! I especially laughed about the Ronald McDonald part. I am going to Scotland in a few weeks and so decided to check out some travel blogs. Your pictures look very appealing and now I can't wait! Sorry I'm a random comment-submitter, K

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