Yuletide (b)log!

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March 27th 2007
Published: March 27th 2007
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Yuletide (b)log!

 Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Elgin By Simon and Heather
March 27th 2007
Simon and Heather Fraser
Gday folks! Sorry about the randomness of a Christmas blog in March but we’re just getting ourselves organised after our move back down under.

After our last blog in NZ we returned home to Scotland for 4 weeks of festive fun with family and friends (longest Christmas ever!) In between bouts of overindulgence we managed to drag ourselves out and about for a few walks and have photographic evidence to prove it! The Frasers braved the wind and headed up Bennachie to blow away the cobwebs and a few days later were joined by the Marleys for a trek from Spey Bay to Garmouth and back (with the added bonus of a slap up meal at the Garmouth Hotel in between). In amongst general catching up and chilling out we also had the pleasure of Boxing Day at Rob and Brendas, a surreal fancy dress, karaoketastic New Years Eve at Mel and Sammys and CSFs 37th birthday (that makes me feel old!)

Hope you enjoy the photos and we’ll post an update of what we’ve been up to since arriving back in Brissy soon.

Additional photos below
Photos: 29, Displayed: 23


27th March 2007

Thanks for the memories!
Did we really have so much fun over Christmas/the holidays? I'd already forgotten - it seems that long ago! Thanks for the wee reminder! Don't worry, no butcher story today! BTW, CSF and I seem to have gotten into a habit of toasting "absent friends" when we're with the folks - we always think of you twa! Lots of love, Beth xxx (-:
27th March 2007

Happy Christmas, no I mean Easter!!!
Great memories of your Christmas holiday in Scotland! xxx
27th March 2007

Home Scotland and away again
Hi you two Your pics while home were great and glad you had a good time with both families, climbing, birthdays and some weard fat bird from little Britain !!! Hope all goes well for you back in Brissy and keep in touch. Take care lol Daniel
2nd April 2007

Back in Business!
Great to be back visiting your blog. You are up there with your father having a four week holiday over the festive season. Lovely being reminded of what we got up to when you were home and a few atmospheric shots thrown in too. Glad to hear that you are out and about again taking lots of 'photos and looking forward to seeing what you both get up to in Brisbane/Melbourne/Ayers Rock, etc etc. Keep 'em coming! All our love, Mum and Dad xxx

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