Canary Island Cruise

Portugal's flag
Europe » Portugal
January 26th 2024
Published: January 26th 2024
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Thursday 25th January

Our location is off the coast of Portugal

The seas were quite calm last night & this morning when we opened the curtains we saw a beautiful sunrise, after all the grey days and high winds the calm sea and sunshine were a delightful start to the day.

We enjoyed breakfast in the grill and then took a stroll around the deck, it was a bit breezy but still enjoyable.

Many of the chairs on the deck were still tied down but were released as the day progressed and some even venture around the pool

We still have a fair way to go but the estimated arrival into Funchal is Friday around 8pm. I think everyone will be glad that we finally will be able to walk on land again.

Tonight being Burns Night there was an Address to the Haggis, the bagpipes played as the haggis was brought in but no piper sadly only piped music!

At dinner Haggis,Neeps & Tatties were a starter with a wee dram, I skipped the wee dram but enjoyed the Haggis.

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