European Road trip

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Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Bormio
October 1st 2016
Published: October 1st 2016
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Day 6: Mulhouse

Just a short trip from the Holiday Inn to the Cité de l'Automobile

In my opinion anyone on a road trip who has driven this far from any where should take the time out to visit this place. If youre not in to history or cars you might find it boring but the scale of this collection is impressive. The value and uniqueness of some of the collection is simply breath taking. This is my 2nd visit in over 20 years so if you have been before a long while ago and are passing you know its worth another look.

The cars are the starts as they say so the large number of pictures is attached with out apology!

I hope you enjoy the tour as much as I did.

The numbers:

Todays trip metre after arriving back at the Holiday Inn after the visit to the museum was 975.

Tomorrows journey takes me through Switzerland and the tunnels to the Alps and Mountains of Northern Italy. The destination is Bormio. The plan was to go via Stelvio Pass but due to the stress the long drives are putting on the car I'm going to go via the toll roads and the tunnels and then to the Stelvio as a day trip once Ive arrived at Bormio.

Additional photos below
Photos: 56, Displayed: 22


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