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Europe » Ireland » County Mayo » Westport
April 30th 2024
Published: May 3rd 2024
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Bench at GuesthouseBench at GuesthouseBench at Guesthouse

B&B we stayed in Westport
I had reserved breakfast at 8:30 am for Laura, Carl, Alex, and I. We met in the small dining room to get served from a small menu. We all got the Irish breakfast. Full from our meal, we collected Kyle and began our stroll to Westport House. Our goal was to walk through the estate to get there. Unfortunately, we were stopped at the edge of the property claiming landscaping was in work so the grounds were closed. Instead we had to follow the road and pathway to the front.

Since we had planned to explore a bit, we had about 15 minutes to kill until the house opened and the tour began. We took pictures of the outside, the church in ruins in the distance, and relaxed on the stairway. Soon we were let in for the tour with our guide Ben. He walked us around the first floor sharing history of the house, it's founders, and the area. For over 300 years, the Browne family had built, owned, and maintained the house. In 2017, due to debt the family sold it to another local family who was working to restore the house and would begin major inside restoration in 2025.

The history was intertwined with Irish clans including Grace O'Malley as her great-great granddaughter married the man who started the house, English history as their son studied there, Jamaica as the son married into ties to trade there, and more. We had free reign to then explore the basement and second floor on our own. It was fascinating to see the inner workings of servant quarters down below contrasted with the posh life of the aristocratic family on the two floors above. While there was much room for repair to the house, the history had been incredibly kept over the centuries with many artifacts and articles. A worthwhile visit, we all agreed.

We left to return to the hotel in time for noon check out. After paying, we stored our bags and went in search for food. As we walked, many girl students in uniform wandered about around us. This felt a bit odd to see in the middle of the day on a school day. Since we were a bit early for tourist season, many shops also were not open. We did wander into a fun candy shop called Auntie Nellie's. Stocking up on road trip snacks. Then finally, we found a restaurant open and serving lunch. It had a bit of a middle east flare to the food which was fun.

Luckily, I had gotten 2 phone numbers for cabs from the hotel receptionist. The first one told me they weren't available, but the second was. We took the van to Castlebar to pick up our rental car. Alex decided he was less nervous to have himself driving on the wrong side of the road then watching me, so he took us back to Westport to pick up the others and bags.

From there, it was a short drive to Croagh Patrick. Alex and Carl navigated with a few learnings along the way including a bit more space on the left side of the road. We had a kind soul share their all day parking ticket with us so we had plenty of time to explore. The mountain is considered holy from Saint Patrick pilgrimage on it and even includes a church on top. Down at the bottom by us, a small prayer room was built with an ideal viewof the mountain. A few snapshots later, we chose to walk opposite the mountain instead of hike it. That direction we saw a memorial for the famine Ireland faced as well as ruins of a monetary with a cemetery overlooking the sea. Beautiful walk all around and not too strenuous.

Back in the car, we began our trek to our evening lodging with a stress inducing road as there was only a single lane with scattered outlets for passing that twisted, turned, and wound through the hilly region to the main road. Blessed, we saw no other vehicle the entire time we drove that road. Alex's driving skills continued to be challenged as we had rain the whole remainder of the drive of an hour to our hotel Ballynahinch Castle. We joked about needing to pry his hands off upon arrival he gripped the wheel so tight.

Two porters assisted us with carrying in all the bags and shared an umbrella to block the rain. We checked in with rooms in two separate wings, so headed off each with a porter. Our very pink room on the third floor corner overlooked a picturesque view of the river. Alex opened the window and just sat to stare at the view. Between the view, cool breeze, and splash of rain, it just seemed to sooth him. I invited the others up to see as I was immensely curious of their room as well. After exploring our room, we did had to the first floor of their wing which was down our 3 flights of stairs down the hall then down another 2 flights. Their room also a corner, sat right next to an exit to the grounds, had a for poster bed, sitting area, and very spacious bathroom. Laura was already making plans to soak in the tub later.

While we arrived later than plan due to the rain, we still had time until our dinner reservations. The rain deterred us from exploring outside so instead we went in search of a drink. The pub was set aside for dinner reservations so instead we ordered at the bar and retreated to the lounge. We sipped and chatted until 7 when we needed to spruce up a bit for our fancy dinner.

I had reserved us for the four course meal in their fancy

View from our room window
restaurant. After they seated us, we made our picks from the course menu. Kyle so excited about all of the options took the waiters recommendation for the meal. We ordered a wine for the table and the food started with chicken tartar and fresh rolls. Then course one where I passed on my food to Carl and Alex as there hasn't been anything that fit close to my safe foods. Second course I could participate in as there was quail which all but Kyle got. Laura agreed after a taste, that Kyle had picked best that round. Main course followed with monkfish for me, steak for my neighbors, lamb for Laura, and fish for Kyle. We finished it all between us as I passed part of my meal off and focused on the mashed potatoes the had brought to the table as a side. Alex was most excited for dessert as he would be getting to try two since I still was avoiding sweets. We did have fun teasing Carl though as the cheesecake on the menu was topped with rhubarb, his enemy of desserts from Grandma Wendorff in the past. Alex never had rhubarb before but loves cheesecake so he had me order that for mine. Kyle did as well and loved it. So when Alex found it not to his liking, it was easy to find another to finish it. Meanwhile I sat watching in envy as I sipped my ginger tea.

Full and satisfied, we parted ways for the evening after agreeing to all join the walking tour the next morning. As Laura enjoyed her evening bath, I did the same with a shower. Alex finished up a movie as we got ready for bed. This place was fancy enough that we got chocolates on our pillows.


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