Train to Berlin and onto Salzwedel

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Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin
September 27th 2016
Published: September 30th 2016
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Happy 25th anniversary to us.

On the train to Berlin, zooming across the countryside. The scenery is lovely, beautiful day not a cloud in the sky. No wind, the big wind turbines are still, heaps of them.

Cruised into Hanover but when we left, it was like they found another gear on the train, It flew. They said it was fast, they weren't kidding.

Bloody taxis wouldn't take us to the car rental because it was too close to train station but too far to walk. We had to lug our bags up and down stairs and two trains later and a bit of walking, we got there. Got a cute little Peugeot 308 and made our way to Salzwedel. Got there around 8.30pm.

It took ages getting out of Berlin, driving on the right hand side of the road, sitting behind the wheel in the left hand side of the car is just wrong. Driving in an unfamiliar extremely busy and large city on the opposite side of the road is pretty hard on the nerves, but once we were on the quiet country road, it was good. Roads are excellent.

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